Leiden University Student Repository

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(97 - 120 of 2,601)


De rol van typen verzorgingsstaten in de relatie tussen sociale investeringen en inkomensongelijkheid.
Het behalen van de Banenafspraak: Beleidsinstrumenten en Werkgeversstimulansen in Nederland
The Legacies of Authoritarian Tendencies in Peru's Intelligence System
Measuring the Perceived Security of Genome Engineering Using the Vignette Technique
Beyond the Veil: Unmasking Cultural and Gendered Ideologies in Islamic State Media's Representation of Western Women
Constructs of ideal manhood in right-wing extremist manifestos: A comparative critical discourse analysis.
The effect of attitudes to violence and attitudes to police on attitudes to police violence
Afghanistans scattered Diaspora in fight against the humanitarian crisis
Philippine People's Experience With And Understanding Of Climate Change And Its Effects
Effectieve beleidsimplementatie
De doeltreffendheid van de hervormingen in het alcoholbeleid
Bureaucratie en de menselijke maat: de invloed van taakgericht leiderschap en taakduidelijkheid op pro-social rule breaking
Heeft passieve representatie van vrouwen in kabinet en Tweede Kamer verband met hoeveel geld begroot wordt voor onderwijs?
Leren van collega’s: Hoe sociale banden op de werkvloer invloed kunnen hebben op de percepties van regels en het toepassen van pro-social rule breaking.
Violent extremists may write themselves in
Being a German Police Officer: An Ethnographic Study on the Effects the Police Profession has on German Police Officers
Framing of Nuclear Energy After Nuclear Energy Crises
A Recipe for Influence
A story of two refugees: Unveiling Media's and Policy's Differential Standards for Syrian and Ukrainian refugees
Contrasting Female ISIS Supporters and Female ISIS Returnees in German Newspaper Articles
To what extent was the Dutch media able to hold the intelligence agency AIVD to account during the exploitation of the improved ISS data collection act in 2018?
Accountability Regime for the NSO Group
Perceived Safety and Policy and Initiative Support to Combat Youth Crime
Hoe verschilt de werktevredenheid tussen mannen en vrouwen in Nederland?
