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(1 - 24 of 2,601)


The Effect of Targeted Sanctions on Civil Liberties: a Case Study Approach
Online participatie in de Domstad
To what extent was the “committee for the security of the republic” (COPASIR) capable to hold PM CONTE accountable during the first wave of the covid-19 pandemic in Italy?
TBS: een zegen of vloek voor de Nederlandse rechtsstaat?
Effect langer doorwerken op de mentale gezondheid bij ouderen
Het effect van inkomen op vertrouwen in de regering in Nederland
Doeltreffende implementatie van overheidsbeleid aan de hand van de casus: Wet ter Voorkoming van Witwassen en financiering van Terrorisme
Paradise is Under Her Feet
Whats-Apping the world into a safer place
Challenges to the Effectiveness and Legitimacy of the National Coordinator of Counterterrorism (NCTV)
The continuation of state aid in new EU member states and the role of DG COMP in enforcing EU state aid law
Shaping Votes and Shifting Tides: Unraveling the Influence of Government Economic Performance on Voter Preferences in Migration Policies
The Brussels Effect in practice: the influence of the EU on the Californian privacy regime
In hoeverre heeft het bereiken van de pensioenleeftijd bij grootouders invloed op de keuze om hulp te geven aan kleinkinderen en heeft de coronapandemie invloed gehad op deze keuze?
Een stapje in de richting van een adequaat niveau van Kinderbescherming
The Framing of Political Discourse by Far-Right Political Parties Regarding Immigration in France and Its Impact on the Displayed Message.
Kracht in diversiteit? De relatie tussen diversiteit binnen belangengroepen en politieke toegang in Nederland
Exploring the role of the narrative and the internet in the process of self-radicalisation.
Bridging Borders: Colombian-Mexican Security and Intelligence Cooperation in the Twenty-first Century
The Role of Cognitive Variables on the Lethality of Suicide Attempts in Small-Scale Societies
Unravelling the Shadows of the Authoritarian Legacy on the Effectiveness of Chilean Intelligence Services
Men of the West must be Men once more
Deconstructing The Recruitment Narratives for Male and Female Recruits Within The Islamic State Media
The SISMI Scandals and Italian Intelligence Accountability
