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(1 - 24 of 585)


Disaster Relief by Air: A Need for More Equipment?
The Public-Private Myth. A red tape comparison between government organisation employees and their private contractors
How German and Italian consent to the EU economic sanctions against Russia, following the events in Ukraine between November 21st 2013 and July 31st 2014, can be explained by normative entrapment
Public-private partnerships in Switzerland: the influence of the political and administrative framework
Will China Contribute to African Food Security: An Investigation on the Consequences of Chinese Agriculture Technology Demostration Center to Food Security of Tanzania
Een wijkagent heeft sturing nodig: Een onderzoek naar de omstandigheden die van invloed zijn op de informatie-uitwisseling door de wijkagent ten behoeve van de teambriefing in Katwijk
The Current Role and Potential of U.s. Urban Public Libraries as Health Promoting Settings: Case Study on the Chicago Metropolitan Area
The Framework Function of Political Foundations at European Level
Dutch Housing Policy and Its Implications for New Entrants on the Housing Market in Large Dutch Cities
Human Vulnerability to Changing Groundwater Levels – A Case Study of The Hague, The Netherlands
The Sharing Economy and Taxi Market Regulations: Uber and the Responses from the Moroccan Taxi Market
Non je n'ai pas oublié' An Interpretation of Enrico Macias's Nostalgia and his Relation to Algeria as depicted in his Songs
The Impact of a Significant Increase of Renewable Energy Sources on the Dutch Energy Household, Based on Energy Transition Model
Living in Limbo – From the Border to the Camp. The Experiences of Refugees and Independent Volunteers in Tsepelovo
Assessing Impact Investing in Fragile States: Burundi
The Effect of Formal Political Institutions on Corruption: Reviewing the Evidence Presented in the Past Decade
Woman-Centered Midwifery Care and Maternal Health in Malawi
The Complex Relationship Between Public Opinion and Political Outputs
Cardiometabolic Gender Differences in a Venezuelan Food Subsidy Program
Putting Public Health Research on Dutch Women Shelters in Dialogue With Postcolonial Feminism
Sino-Indian Relations From the Perspective of the Lao Tzu's Tao Te Jing
Escaping Outbidding: Ethnic Cleavages and Electoral Institutions in Plural Democracies
A Review of Models for Community Wind Projects
Large Scale Land Acquisitions into the Tanzanian Rice Sector. Large Scale Land Acquisitions or Land Grabs?
