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(1 - 24 of 50)


Trainees in Japan, the influence of nationality on the working conditions of trainees
Immigrant Labor in Japan: Shinzo Abe's Neoliberal Policies and the Effects on Migrant Labor
Decline of lifetime employment after lost decade, changes in employment practices.
Can art in Japan enhance environmental sustainability? A bottom-up process-tracing explaining the causal mechanism between a Japanese harmonious human-nature relationship and a sustainable society by means of ecoart
The impact of the “history issue” in Sino-Japanese postwar economic and diplomatic relations: A constructivist analysis of bilateral Sino-Japanese postwar relations through an explaining-outcome process tracing analysis
Policies for women’s empowerment and gender inequalities in Japan. A study of the gender gap and Womenomics’ awareness among Japanese working women.
JAPANESE ODA IN MYANMAR: An exploration of aid practices and how they relate to social development
Ecological Sustainability and the Chinese Belt and Road Project: An assessment of Strong Sustainability within the Standard Gauge Railway projects in Sub-Saharan Africa
Changes in Japanese Organizational Culture: Assessing the Role of Women in Organizations since the 1990s
The economic and political instability provoked by fake news on mass and social media. Japan and the US under perspective
A Legacy of Labor in Japan
explaining deregulation on the Japanese labor market
An examination of the high excess cash reserves of Japanese firms
The Freeter Phenomenon in the Japanese Labour Market: a Different Perspective
Policy Diffusion in Japan: A Qualitative Analysis of the Spread of LGBT Partnership Systems
The US-Japan-China Strategic Triangle since the Trump Presidency: The viability of the strategic triangle analysis in explaining the power dynamics in bilateral and trilateral relations between the US, Japan and China since Trump’s inauguration.
Tourism impacts in Japanese cities: Overplay or overtourism?
Unskilled Labour Requests in Japan
The United Nations, Global Cyberspace, and the Route to Hegemony
A New Zeitgeist of Social Movements in Contemporary Japan: SEALDs to Bring a Positive Eye to Protesting?
Japan as Standard-Bearer for Free Trade: Reluctantly Protectionist or Willingly Pro-Liberalisation
Beyond Retirement Age: Digging Into the Untapped Potential of the Elderly
Abe vs the system: Press Freedom in Japan under the Abe Administration
The fluctuating Japanese video game industry: Performance on the Western market and effects on Japan’s Soft Power
