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Search results

(145 - 168 of 18,094)


Protection for the Forest and Farm: A Comparative Study of Buddhist Environmentalism for Sustainable Development in Thailand
Analysing the Effectiveness of the European Union's Strategic Narrative on China: A Media and Public Opinion Perspective
Hinduism as a source of empowerment for Surinamese Hindu women in The Netherlands
The Daxi Wood Art Ecomuseum, Taiwan. Enhancing Cultural Heritage Preservation and Sustainable Development through Community Participation
Philo's historische werken: een broedplaats voor interpretaties
The Manifestation of the Prospect of a Nuclear War in the Characters of Don DeLillo’s End Zone
Defending Weimar
"Die kaiserlich deutsche Republik"
Criminaliteit in Leiden
“So, are you your body or is your body you?”
Soil, Seeds and Sumud: Art Initiatives and Environmental Colonialism in Palestine
Huurlingen binnen een cultuur van ridderlijkheid
Gerretsens Pinochet
Between Traditionalism & Neo-Traditionalism
The Justification of Logical systems
'Wat moeten we doen met dat sogenaemde inlandsche christendom?'
House and interior of the noble elite in Drenthe’s countryside
Funerary Monuments in Palmyrene and Nabataean Inscriptions.
Antwerps ontwerp of breder cultureel fenomeen: een onderzoek naar Renaissance hangers met zeemonstermotieven.
Refugees and Refugee Support Organizations in Japan
Power Together?
Syntactic and lexical complexity measurements in writing
The Sexual Objectification of Female Characters by Male Authors in Comparison to Female Authors
In Nomen Omen
