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(17,881 - 17,904 of 18,034)


Early English Learning in the Dutch School Curricula, Obstacle or Help? A review of the importance of English learning in the Dutch educational system and the implementation and development of the early English learning in primary and secondary school cur
"Uytgesneeden en geplackt". An interdisciplinary study and contextualization of the Thysiana scrapbook (c. 1650)
"I am Richard II. Know ye not that?" Critiquing Monarchy in Late Elizabethan Plays
Amerikaanse tafarelen op Nederlandse bodem? Hoe Angelsaksische muziekfestivals en de counterculture voet kregen op Nederlandse bodem tussen 1965-1970.
Fact or fiction? Cuvelier's story on Bertrand du Guesclin's exploits in Spain, 136-1369
'Becoming Nigrinus, staying Lucian': Exploring the dialectic formulation of Roman identity through philosophical satire
Een eigen vliegdienst voor de marine?
Restaureren van moderne kunst, geen kunst aan. Van handwerk in de praktijk naar beslissingen maken op papier
Intermedialität als Teil der schulischen Medienerziehung. Zum Einsatz literarischer Filme im modernen DaF-Unterricht
Paradise for All or Paradise within. Religion, Law, and Religious Politics in the Prose and Poetry of Hugo Grotius and John Milton
Wisselende diensten. Carrièremigratie onder Leidse ambtenaren rond 1900
Was there a laryngeal metathesis in the sequence CiH-/CuH- in Hittite?
Acting Out and Working Through: The Literary Representation of Trauma in Hemingway's 'In Our Time'
Een levenslange worsteling met de Duits-joodse identiteit
De weg naar verzoening. De uitoefening van kerkelijke tucht door de Leidse gereformeerde kerkenraad in de periode 1700-1904.
Faith and Virgil on the Fifth of November. Milton’s use of the Aeneid in In Quintum Novembris
Dyslexie und Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Welche Buchstabierungsprobleme haben niederländische Schüler in der deutschen Sprache?
“You Can’t Be Neutral on a Moving Train”: What Pearl Jam’s Tour Schedules Tell Us about the American Concert Industry
Marketing E-Books. Understanding consumer value
From Double to Mestiza Consciousness: Identity Politics in Du Bois, Anzaldúa and Cisneros
Food for Thought: Food Practices, Identity and Memory in Post-Civil Rights Era Southern Literature
Defying linguistic expectancy: The temporal effects of incongruence and reanalysis. What are the neurological effects of incongruence and reanalysis during linguistic comprehension?
How did it come about that South African unconventional units, which were successful in many battles, were unable to turn their victories into political success during the South African Border War 1966 - 1989?
Winnaar en Verliezer, De reputaties van Thomas Stamford Raffles en Nicolaus Engelhard naast elkaar gezet
