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(17,929 - 17,952 of 18,760)


Now is the time to kill Chinese: social revolution and the massacre of Chinese in Tangerang, 1945-1946
De uitzonderingspositie van pourquoi in het Frans, verplaatsing of niet?
Indonesian and Moroccan eating cultures at the Dutch table: a culinary history of adaptation and authenticity (1950-2000)
Is that a Yes?
Mother Tongue Interference in a Foreign Language: The Case of Greek Native Speakers Learning Turkish
Dynastieke politiek in vrouwenhanden. Amalia van Solms-Braunfels (1602-1675) als dynastiek strateeg
A new religious movement in the Belle Époque: An explanation for the development of the Liberal Catholic Church
Elvis Peeters’ roman De ontelbaren als kritiek op het (im)migratiedebat in Nederland en Vlaanderen
Author or Amateur? The poetical writings of prof. dr. Jan te Winkel (1847-1927)
Community Archives and the Archival Community
A tale of two periods. Change and continuity in the Roman Empire between 249 and 324
Tre sonetti del Petrarca in veste olandese
Politics and Business at the Tehran bazaar
'The Lovely Serendipitous Experience of the Bookshop':A Study of UK Bookselling Practices (1997-2014).
Jakob Frank. Routinization of Charismatic Authority.
Bevrijd uit de Goelag, geketend voor het leven. De herintreding van voormalige goelaggevangenen in de Sovjetsamenleving in de jaren 1950-1960
Positieve Discriminatie in het Hoger Onderwijs in Brazilië
Binnenste buiten: over het spanningsveld tussen persoonlijke en sociale identiteit in JR’s fotoproject Inside Out (2011)
You Are Pretty For a Black Girl. A study on the use of skin bleaching products among Ghanaian women in the Netherlands.
Wage policy and collective bargaining rights in the European Union: three responses of Member States. About the differences and similarities between the debates in the national parliaments of Sweden, United Kingdom and the Netherlands.
The Effect of Intensive Semantic Therapy on Picture Naming in Chronic Aphasic Patients
'Ik werk dus ik ben': Over de schrijver en de roman in de nieuwe wereld.
The Byzantine state and the Dynatoi, A struggle for supremacy 867 - 1071
A Comparative Study of Trade Union Responses to EU Eastern Enlargement in Germany, the UK and the Netherlands.
