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(1 - 24 of 35)


The Protest Paradigm and RIA Novosti's Articles on Ukrainian Protesters
Tatarstan: Contested autonomy and pursue of foreign relations with Turkey
Russia in the Baltic states: a ticking time bomb?
Trafficking through the Northern Route: International Organisation's Response to Drug Trafficking in Tajikistan
Kazakhstan as focal point in China’s Belt and Road Initiative A case study of “SEZ Khorgos”, a model example of a BRI project
Reconstructing the separatist narrative of the DPR: A framing analysis of the state-run online media outlet DNR-News
Contextua Cyber Securitisation - A Case Study of Russian Cyberattacks against Ukraine
Don’t call him the infallible: analytical proofs of performed mass manipulation by Alexei Navalny.
Interactions between international organisations and transverse members: The relationship between Russia and the Council of Europe throughout the years.
Media tsars: Russian disinformation and strategic narratives in Slovak online media
Finally doing their own thing? A research on the motivations for the proposed script change in Kazakhstan
Crimean Tatar identity in the context fo the Russian annexation of 2014
Russian disinformation and strategic narratives against the West - A case study of Russia’s instrumentalization of the migrant crisis during Germany’s Bundestag election
Participatory governance in Ukraine – an ongoing struggle. A case study of anti-corruption policy-making since 2014
Belarus and Abkhazia: Belarusian Foreign Policy Responding to Abkhazia’s Self Proclaimed Independence
A mixed-method approach research on the consequences of the Russian embargo on the pear sector in Russia and the Netherlands
The U.S.-Russia Reset in the Context of United Nations Security Council Debates
Why Putin Needs US Hegemony
The Belarusian Emirate: How does oil lubricate the Belarusian economy?
Russian-Dutch Relations: Business as Unusual
One for all, or all for one: explaining Eurasian regional integration through the lens of liberal intergovernmentalism
The threats of Russian-style NGO legislation to civil society in Azerbaijan
Defining and identifying Russia’s elite groups: Siloviki representation during Putin’s third term
NGO-Effectiveness in Russia: Opportunity Structures for Foreign Funded NGOs
