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  • (-) ≠ Schrover, Marlou
  • (-) = Ennis, Crystal

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(1 - 24 of 34)


The Occupation of the Palestinian Economy: Economic relations between Israel and Palestine after the Oslo Accords and the formalization of economic dependence.
To Aid or Not to Aid? Motivations For United Arab Emirates Foreign Aid to Egypt Since 2011.
Left in Limbo: Theorising statelessness in Kuwait
Late Industrialization processes in the post-war era. The cases of South Korea and Egypt (1950-1997)
Sowing seeds of reconciliation in deeply divided soil: The role of local CSOs in reconciling post-war Lebanon
Dreams of Development
Late Rentierism: Explaining the Stagnation of Foreign Direct Investment in Saudi Arabia
Gender & Austerity Measures: An Investigation into the Spanish Case
What explains the hesitancy of the US involvement in the Syrian War?
Repatriation, Resettlement or Assimilation: The Protection Gap Linked to the Status of Palestinian Refugees
Middle Powermanship in Egypt’s Foreign Policy: The Case of the Syrian Civil War
Not So SWIFT: An In-Depth Analysis of Economic Alternatives for Sanctioned States
Securitization of the Refugee Crisis: Security for Whom?
Neoliberal Economic Developments and the Increase in Migrant Numbers in the post-1990s Gulf Region
Private Military and Security Companies: Determining Accountability in the Face of a Crumbling Westphalian World Order
Assessing Contentious Politics in the Gulf: A Comparative Study on the Role of Rentierism, Authoritarianism, and Identity Politics in the Gulf Cooperation Council during the Arab Uprisings
Parliaments and Participation in the Rentier State: the Case of Kuwait and Bahrain
Immigration versus Nationalization in a Rentier State: A Case Study on the Relation between the Political Economy and the Labour Market Structure of Kuwait
A configuration of Minor States Cooperation During the Cold War Era: A Study on Iran-Israel Strategic Cooperation 1953-1978
The Saudi Nexus: The Relationship between Tribal Identity, Oil Wealth, and Class Formation in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Bridging the Gap Between Food Security and Migration: A Scenario Analysis on Egypt
The Changing Balance of Power in the Persian Gulf in the 1990s: A Multidimensional Regional Puzzle between Unipolarity and Multipolarity
Kuwaiti Relations with Iraq in the post-Saddam Era: Strategic Hedging, Regional Effects & the Structural Power of Small States
Economic development under occupation: A case study of the dairy sector in the Hebron gvoernorate
