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  • (-) = Faculty of Humanities
  • (-) ≠ African Studies (MA
  • (-) = Leeuwen, E.J. van

Search results

(1 - 24 of 52)


Exploring Identity Through the Gothic: The Uncanny and Doubling in Gaiman’s Coraline Compared to Selick’s Film Adaptation
Fainting and Death: Representations of Passivity in Richardson’s Pamela and Clarissa
Oral Tradition and Adaptation
The Regeneration of Cybermen
Cosmic Horror: the Shift from Outer to Inner Threats from Lovecraft to The Magnus Archives
One Is Two and Two Are One: An Analysis of the Gothic Double in Stephen King's The Dark Half and Lisey's Story
The Diary of the Artifically Inteligent Android:
Harry Potter's Dementor
Ursula K. Le Guin's Holistic Ecofeminism in The Word for World is Forest, "The Matter of Seggri" and The Left Hand of Darkness
Context is Crucial
Suburban Conformity in Post-War America: Distortion and Decay in The Virgin Suicides and The Little Friend
Problematic Representation in J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter Series: Controversy and a Fandom’s Response
The Influence of the First and Second Wave of Feminism on Agatha Christie’s Depiction of Miss Marple
A Japanese Horror Film and its American Remake
“Last night you made a confession ‘twould make a saint swear”: Film Dialogue as an Articulator of Fear in Robert Eggers’ The Witch and The Lighthouse
Changing Identities: The Development of the Ideal of Womanhood as Exemplified by Gothic Heroines
“IN SORROW WE MUST GO, BUT NOT IN DESPAIR”: J.R.R. Tolkien and the Modern Philosophies of Death and Immortality
Big Brother, UniComp and the Circle: The Spectrum of Fear and Critique of Technological Developments in Dystopian Novels
"WHAT IS SO SMART ABOUT THE END OF THE HUMAN?": Posthumanist Discourses in Jeanette Winterson's The Stone Gods and Frankissstein: A Love Story
Fertility and Procreation in a Fallen World
Witches and the Devil in The Master and Margarita (1966), The Witches of Eastwick (1984) and Good Omens (1990): The Supernatural Other as a Vehicle for Satire of Social Power, Moral Standards and Religious Beliefs
The Search for a Lost Soul: An Analysis of the Representations of the Monster as a Human Being in the Film Adaptations Frankenstein by James Whale (1931) and Frankenstein by Bernard Rose (2015)
Tempering Radicalism
Cyborgs vs Humans in Westworld (2016-)
