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  • (-) = Faculty of Humanities
  • (-) ≠ Classics and Ancient Civilizations (research) (MA
  • (-) = 2023
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(121 - 144 of 1,813)


Syntactic and lexical complexity measurements in writing
The Sexual Objectification of Female Characters by Male Authors in Comparison to Female Authors
In Nomen Omen
Therapie voor de 'Piekerziekte' als discussie
Where the Future Happens First: How Subnational Climate Diplomacy Generates Transformative Change Through Rescaling and Entrenchment
Die filmtechnische Realisierung von Propaganda in Junge Adler (1944) und Kopf Hoch Johannes (1941)
Die ästhetische Bewertung von deutschen Sprachvarietäten durch Niederländer aus dem Randstad-Gebiet
Motherhood, Femininity, and Female Subjectivity in The Villainess and Miss Baek
Silence, Shame, Stigma: The Perspectives of University Students in Nairobi and their Grandmothers about the Shape and Implications of Menstrual Stigma in Kenyan Families
The Virtuous Massacre
Fan Li: The Ancient and The Modern Man
Sonic Cues and Classical Songs
Exploring the drivers of change in Iran's foreign policy: a case study of Iran's shifting attitudes towards the Taliban in Afghanistan
Cómo se puede construir un país
A Fight against the Institution
Colombiassistence: Investigating the Applicability of Colombian Support Programs for Internally Displaced Persons to the Honduran Context
The Illusion Called Illusionism
Call You by My Gender: Ni-su, the Practice of Gender Inversion in Chinese Fandom Culture
Automated Influence and Social Agency
Making waves: Matsui Fuyuko in the world of contemporary nihonga painting
Fact or Fable?
Onder een vergrootglas
‘Er knapte iets’: Een onderzoek naar de framing van femicide in het Leidsch dagblad tijdens de periode 1990-2022
Grenzen van uitvoerbaarheid. Ervaringen binnen de uitvoering van het migratiebeleid in Nederland voor en na de oprichting van de Immigratie- en Naturalisatiedienst in 1994.
