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(49 - 72 of 19,600)


‘The 2008 Global Financial Crisis: An Impactful Event in the Furthering of the Catalan Independence Movement of 2017’.
Lessons from Oxycontin and Mediator marketing: A Comparative Analysis of the Commodification of Prescription Drugs in the United States and France
K-popularizing inbound tourism: The influence of K-pop on K-pop fans’ perception of South Korea as a travel destination
Stylistic, Aesthetic, and Thematic Representations of Ukiyo-e in The Post-Impressionist Movement: The Case of Vincent van Gogh
Infrastructure Diplomacy: Assessing China-Japan Competition in Third-Country Infrastructure Investments
The impact of the Belt and Road Initiative on Economic Diversification and Infrastructure Development Policies: A Comparative Sectoral Analysis in Saudi Arabia, 2000–2023
Tibetan Autonomy Amidst Civil War in China
Korean-ness and Kinship in Return to Seoul: Transnational Adoptees, and the Politics of Being “Korean Enough”
K-Pop in the Netherlands: South Korea’s Soft Power
Analoge Vooruitgang
Everyday Peacebuilding: The Role of Women in Peacebuilding in Lebanon
Sustainable Initiatives in Material Realms: Curating Fashion and Textile Exhibitions in Museums for Environmental Advocacy
The Use of Resorts as a Strategy for Revitalization of Rural Japan: The Case Study of Niseko
Sino Japanese Phonology
Disinformation Tactics in Chinese Diplomacy: Analyzing China’s Use of Information Strategies in Relations with the EU in the Case Study of Media During Vaccine Trials
China’s Diaspora Governance during COVID-19
黑暗反映: Socio-political commentary on contemporary China in Only the River Flows
Re-building Authority: Manipulating the Past through Selective Remembering in Post-Revolutionary Egypt’s Urban Transformations.
The Art of War: China’s SCO Tactics In Navigating The Israel-Palestine Labyrinth
Dromen over kleurige gewaden
Migranten als water, het land als huis, de wet als magneet
Representations of Motherly Struggles in Carved (2007): A Look at the Adaptation of the Kuchisake-Onna Legend.
Exploring Identity Through the Gothic: The Uncanny and Doubling in Gaiman’s Coraline Compared to Selick’s Film Adaptation
The Role of Nigeria's Foreign Policy Exertion in Shaping External Relations during the Civilian Administration of President Olusegun Obasanjo (1999-2007)
