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(1 - 24 of 37)


Pathways to Employment: A Qualitative Study on the University-to-Work Transition in Contemporary Japan
Disability in the Japanese education system: a qualitative study on the experiences of students with developmental disorders
The Contribution of Buraku Women to the Liberation Movement: Between the Personal and the Political. Seeking Gender Equality, Literacy, and Welfare.
BL as Female Pornography: A Fertile Ground for Sexual Discovery? Intimate Interviews with Conflicted Feminist Readers
Representations of Zainichi Korean women in Japanese film: Yakiniku Dragon
Intimacy Created by Character and Humour in Japanese Variety Show Shoten
Dealing with policies and working culture: Working mothers in Tokyo tell their experience
Troublesome Patients as Experienced by Doctors in Japan
Womenomics: Creating a Work-Life Balance for Japanese Working Mothers in a Masculinized Corporate System
Japan’s empty houses problem: The meaning of homeownership in Japan
Hafu Identity and Race in Japan.
A Studie in Ink: The Identity Implications of the Tattoo in Contemporary Japan
Beyond Old Age: A study of the elderly in post 3.11 Japan
Need, restriction and obligation; foreign unskilled workers in Japan
Nuclear energy and public perception in Japan - Micromobilization in Kaminoseki
Understanding the influence of Culture in the workplace: a sociological critic to the existing discourse and approach chosen in Management Studies
State-NGO Relations in China
Betrayed By Nuclear Power: Transforming the Community and Collective Memory of Fukushima’s Evacuees
Social Fission: the Political and Social determinants of nuclear risk distribution in post 3.11 Japan
Disaster, Recovery and women: A thesis on the bonding process and the pressure it creates for women after 3.11 in Japan.
The Same, But Different: Exploring Multi-ethnic Identity and Belonging in Japan
Ambiguous Identity in Okinawan context
Career and Care: Difficulties Women Face in Career Development
Female Infidelity in Japan: Representation of Japanese Women in Western News Media
