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(1 - 24 of 39)


Influencers, Informers, Watchdogs and Bridge-builders: The Many Faces of Japanese Foreign Policy Think Tanks
How Has Japan’s Trade Rationale Changed? Changes in Japan-U.S. Relations, China’s Rise and Brexit: The Case of the Japan-EU Economic Partnership Agreement
How does an understanding of Japanese politics and culture affect the popularity of Ghibli films with a political message, and what does this mean for the efficacy of Japan’s pop-culture diplomacy
The politics behind the representations of Nazis in Japanese popular culture.
Yielding the pen as a sword: reinventing Okinawa’s fragmented identity in the post-reversion era
Legitimizing the Self-Defense Forces’ International Role: A Content Analysis of the Emphasis on the SDF’s Disaster Relief Function in Defence White Papers and the Public Opinion on the SDF and Military Involvement
What are the goals and limitations of Cool Japan and how do case studies of former occupied countries show us its ability to succeed in nation-branding?
Can Abe back out of the Discourse he created with the Abduction Issue
An Analysis of the Portrayal of the Kaiken-ha and Goken-ha in the Japanese Constitutional Debate
We are the Chōsen A battle for legitimacy: the Japanese government vs. Chōsen gakkō
Overcoming the 'Post-War Regime:' Abe Shinzō and Japan's State Identity A Critical Discourse Analysis
Shinzo Abe: Strategy or Ideology?
Solving the Northern Territories Dispute: negotiation tactics under Abe and Putin
Abe's speeches in the International arena: the rule of law as a rhetorical tool
Shinzo Abe: conservative nationalist and promotor of Nippon Kaigi’s ideas?
Accounting for Japanese investment in Myanmar: to what extent can an increase in ODA since 2012 be explained in the context of competition with China?
Japan’s Self-Defence Forces Fight! Competing Narratives of the SDF in Japanese Security Discourse and Yanai Takumi’s Geto: jieitai kano chi nite, kaku tatakaeri
Cyber-security in Japan: To what extent does the Japanese government utilize its discretionary powers to legitimize the mitigation of constitutional boundaries
Russia in Japanese Political and Elite Discourse: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Abe’s Speeches and Statements and Chūō Kōron Articles and Editorials
The LDP’s Comical Approach to Constitutional Revision; Swayed for All the Wrong Reasons
Norms, Resistance and Counter-Securitization: Pacifism and Democracy in Japanese Security Debate
Emergence of an Alternative Left: The impact of Shinzō Abe’s constitutional reinterpretation
Chinese and Japanese Soft Power: A Comparison of Strategies, Values and Images
Soft Power Strategy of China in Africa: Analysis in the Fields of Education, Culture and Health since the Year 2000
