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(73 - 96 of 1,831)


Heavy Metal under Scrutiny: The Controversial Battle for the Protection of America’s Youth
The Treatment of Time in Cinema: A Case Study of Cinema of Long Take, Tsai-Ming Liang’s Stray Dogs (2013) and What Time Is It There? (2001)
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Social justice of the Maya people in the Guatemalan education system
Filming the Past
Explicit L2 Vocabulary Instruction in Individualised Mastery Learning Individualised Mastery Learning. A Study of the A.C.E. Curriculum
Responsibility to protect, a norm in decline. The discursive shift after Libya
The Nation-building Operation in Libya: A Two-sided Critique on Incapable Nation-builders and on the Claims of Postmodern Imperialism that Surround the Intervention
The relations between knowledge and public attitudes towards the EU and Euroscepticism: A case study of Slovakia
Are they monsters of entertainment? The position of the disabled in the Roman Empire.
Strangers in Towns: A socio-economic study on the visibility of collegia and trading communities within port cities
China and climate change negotiations Is China a responsible stakeholder in the global climate challenge?
Kuidas külvad, nõnda lõikad: Buitenlandse beïnvloeding van het Ests onafhankelijkheidsideaal
Immigration versus Nationalization in a Rentier State: A Case Study on the Relation between the Political Economy and the Labour Market Structure of Kuwait
Understanding Barack Obama's Legacy in the Middle East: Leading from behind and Obama's strategic vision
Kiest heden wie gij dienen zult, H.A.C. Hildering en de oorlog in Indonesië, 1945-1950
Implementatie van het Kyotoprotocol en het Akkoord van Parijs in Latijns-Amerika: Een kwalitatief verkennend onderzoek gericht op Brazilië haar aanpak en obstakels sinds 1990.
The History Man and Submission: The Figure and Role of the Intellectual in times of crisis and the role of the female characters in the novels’ critique of the progressive male academic.
Private military companies in Africa : The dark horses of security outsourcing
Political Discourses on Secession in the EU
US Pressure on Japan-Russia Relations in Light of the Ukrainian Crisis
"Market Power Europe": Patterns of limited energy acquis externalization in Switzerland and Ukraine
Sight and Similitude: Anselmus de Boodt and the Late Renaissance Study of Nature/Zicht en Zinnebeeld: Anselmus de Boodt en de laat- Renaissance studie van de natuur
Hollywood-karakteristieken in Chineestalige films
