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(25 - 48 of 79)


“All history is man's efforts to realise ideals”: de visie van de Valera op de Ierse politieke identiteit, 1916-1939
Britin - De opinies van Nederlandse kranten over de toetreding van het Verenigd Koninkrijk tot de Europese Gemeenschappen, 1969-1973
The heart of an outsider at the heart of the European project. The 1975 and the 2016 referendums: An analysis of the 'Outsider Tradition'on the national and a local level
A Legacy of Exclusion: A Critical Analysis of Felony Disenfranchisment Policies in Great Britain
A Successful Democratic Transition: The Cases of Czech Republic and Poland
Promoting Democracy through the European Neighbourhood Policy - Effectiveness of the ENP 2011 in Southern Neighbourhood after the Arab Spring
The geopolitical challenges in the European Union and Spain: a secessionist mobilization in Catalonia
The Two Faces of Populism: A Characterisation of Populist Discourse and its Relatedness to European Populist Electoral Success
“The Crimmigration Narrative in Contemporary Europe” : a selling strategy by the West- European populist establishment on Facebook and Twitter?
Decolonising Britain. To what extent did the activities of right-wing groups between 1960-1973 indicate a wider British inability to come to terms with the new post-colonial order?
The Securitization of Migration in the European Union
The European Union's Counter-Terrorism Policies: Crisis-Driven or Planned?
Populism and anti-EU discourse
Ierlands kracht wordt in zwakheid volbracht. De legitimering en het mobiliserende effect van de hongerstakingen van Austin Stack, Michael Fitzgerald en Mary MacSwiney in de periode 1916-1923
Managing Internal Disunity on the European Question within the British Labour Party
Ripples From the South Atlantic: Examining the Wider Significance of the Falklands War for the British Overseas Territories
Treinkaping De Punt 1977 - 2017
Britain in the balance: The impact of British foreign policy during the Crimean crisis of 1853 to 1856 on the balance of power and Concert of Europe.
Democratic legitimacy undermined? Macron and Mélenchon’s criticisms of the French Fifth Republic and their effect on citizens’ support for the political system
The Changes of Representative Democracy in the “West” since the 1960s
Kuidas külvad, nõnda lõikad: Buitenlandse beïnvloeding van het Ests onafhankelijkheidsideaal
Eamon de Valera
De Britse publieke opinie tijdens de Marokkaanse Crises: een wisselwerking tussen de machthebbers en de media.
Euroscepticus sinds jaar en dag? De rol van Margaret Thatcher in de totstandkoming van euroscepsis binnen de Conservative Party, 1981-1999
