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  • (-) = Faculty of Humanities
  • (-) ≠ Middle Eastern Studies (research) (MA
  • (-) ≠ Research master thesis
  • (-) = Smits, I.B.

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(1 - 24 of 46)


Understanding Chainsaw Man (2018)
Choose for Herself
Female Narratives of the Edo Period
The double gaze in ethnographic museum exhibitions reflected through the Siebold collection
K-pop culture, its global influence and its impact on South Korean tourism
Charting an early rise of written kyōka through zoku and the Shichijūichiban shokunin utaawase
Threads of Transformation
Beneath the Mask
Keeping the classics alive: how karuta contributed to the contemporary popularity of the Hyakunin Isshu
Iterating monsters: the two hundred year bridge of yōkai between the Gazu Hyakki Yagyō and Gegege no Kitarō
De universaliteit van "het Japanse sprookje"
Language Reform during the Meiji Period and Nationalism in Ueda Kazutoshi's Kokugo no tame
Een Vertaalslag Naar Het Nieuwe Ondertitelen
‘Copying’ in Sōseki’s Bungakuron as replication
Eindwerkstuk Japanstudies (= Twee vertalingen van 'Hyakunin isshu')
Nanshoku binnen de Shinsengumi
Looking Beyond Traditional Labels: An Analysis of Akira Kurosawa and Yasujirō Ozu
Reconstructing Historical Performing Arts: Baba Bunkō’s Kōshaku and Jitsuroku
Hoe uit de interpretatie van de Tweede Wereldoorlog in Japan zich in een slachtoffer narratief?
What expectations does the film Departures create in regard to the manner in which the body of a deceased loved one is being treated, and how do these expectations interconnect with the (presumed) reality of the audiences in Japan and the West?
Sites of Japan’s Meiji Industrial Revolution: Selection of Memories and the Inscription Process of UNESCO World Heritage
Michizane's Masks. The literary politics of self-representation in Kanke bunsō, poems 183-213
The Arbitrarily Systematized World(s) and the Media Mix
Tōkaidō Yotsuya kaidan’s Oiwa: Analysis of a kabuki vengeful ghost
