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(73 - 96 of 2,053)


Against Epistocracy: A Defense of the Moral and Epistemic Value of Democracy
Regionale nieuwsmedia: het verbindende element in de regio
Archiving Digital Diaspora in the Context of the EU Citizen Expats Living in the UK and Their Notions of Belonging During the Process of Brexit.
Science and Critique in Nietzsche and Max Weber
John C. Van Dyke over connaisseurschap: Is het oog van de kenner bestand tegen de macht van het geld?
A study of American Nationalism in the late 1970s through Jimmy Carter’s election
The Refugee Race: Burden-sharing during the Hungarian Refugee Crisis of 1956
Power, the Other and the Future
“Smirking Prostitutes” and “the Problem of the Unfit Worker”: Sir Granville St John Orde Browne’s Cross-Institutional and Imperial Career and the Imagining of an Ideal Type Colonial Labourer, 1885-1945.
Game of Swarms - An artistic practice about networks
'Minority consciousness gone mad?' Exclusion, inclusion and self-organisation of disabled LGBTI people in the Dutch and British LGBT+ and disability movements, in the late twentieth century
Charlotte Brontё’s linguistic involvement in her personal correspondence
Harry Potter op de divan: een psychoanalytische lezing van de zoektocht naar identiteit
Marlowe and the Foundation of Power
Who is the Other: Competing Discourses on Ukraine in the Dutch Foreing Policy Debate
Migrant Nurses in the Netherlands 1945-1975
Reassessing Rogerius’s Hinduism
Fam dan Biz. The empowerment of women entrepreneurs in Mauritius
Taming an epidemic: The 'Praagse Brief' and its reflections in late medieval municipal legislation
L'influence de la coarticulation sur la production et la perception de la diphtongaison de la voyelle /e/ chez les apprenants néerlandophones du français
The Dutchness of English loans: an evaluation study
Soldatenlevens onder de loep
“When God It So Desires”: A Critical Edition, Translation and Analysis of the Wills of Richard Beauchamp and Sir Humphrey Starkey
Verschil in vermomming van de ad hominem binnen de Tweede Kamer. Over de verschillende mate van vermomming van de ad hominem door Jesse Klaver, Alexander Pechtold, Emile Roemer en Geert Wilders binnen het parlementaire debat vanuit pragma-dialectisch pers
