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(17,473 - 17,496 of 18,510)


Human Rights Promotion through the European Neighbourhood Policy: The Case of Morocco
Sex, Drugs and Salvation in Uganda
The European Far-Right and the Economy
Russian National Identity Construction: A Case Study Of Four Films
China's engagement in Southeast Asia through the ASEAN-China Free Trade Area (ACFTA)
Yakuza and the Extreme Right Wing: The Political Course of Modern Japan
Legitimizing Power: coping with fragmentation and crises in post-reform China
The CIA under George W. Bush: reassessing counterterrorism after 9/11.
Multiculturalism and the claim of collective rights: The Honduran Garifuna and indigenous identity construction
American Exceptionalism and the 1954 Coup in Guatemala Rethinking the Cold War in Latin America
The impact of FT on small farmer; The Case of Union of Indigenous Communities of the Isthmus Region in Mexico and Society of Small Producers for Coffee Export in Nicaragua
The Multilatina, MERCOSUR, and The Pacific Alliance in a Borderless World: An Analysis of Globalisation in Latin America
“Patriarchy & Gender Norms: The Case Study of BGLQT Sexuality Education in Greece”
A religion in progress: How the Africans and their descendants managed to protect Afro-Brazilian Candomblé in 19th century Brazil
Coherence among EU Member States during the Annexation of the Crimea: An assessment of the ineffectiveness of the European Union
American Exceptionalism and Human Rights Violations: The Case of My Lai and Abu Ghraib
US created Multilateral Alliances: Why they succeed in Europe but Failed in South East Asia: Evaluating NATO and SEATO
Identities Redifined: How the Nationalist Discourse Materializes Gender Identities in the framework of Postcolonial India
Populist Radical Right Parties and Fiscal Austerity in the European Union
American Exceptionalism and the Bush Administration: the Case of Weapons of Mass Destruction in the Iraq War (January 2002-June 2004)
Onderlinge verstaanbaarheid van cognaten in het Nederlands en het Duits gesimuleerd met behulp van automatische spraakherkenning
A site with benefits? Conflicting Interests in Heritage Conservation of Hampi, a World Heritage Site
Why is War Possible From a Human Perspective?
Rattling the Core: From Dependence to Interdependence in East Asia
