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(17,449 - 17,472 of 18,500)


 Progress at a Price?: In the Context of its Relationship with China how Effective is Taiwan’s  Strategy for Increased International Participation? 
Violence: Ernst Jünger & Adolf Hitler
The articulation of Kashubian identity: Changing conceptualizations and the influence of historical circumstances
Loanwords in Japan: Effects on Japanese Language and Society in the Era of Globalization
The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) in Brazil, An Assessment of Brazil's Political and Institutional Framework for CDM Projects
The New Jew: The Views of Vladimir Ze'ev Jabotinsky from the Perspective of Ernst Jünger
Knowledge and Power: Forms of Dominance in Intellectual Property Rights Law
Cuba's Medical Diplomacy
Westerse mode advertenties en het schoonheidsideaal in China, Analyse van Westerse en Chinese modetijdschriften in China
Parallel Governance by Non-state Actors: The Case of La Familia Michoacána/Knights Templar in Michoacán
Understanding the power of framing: the case of the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands, the emergence of a ‘rising China’ and the construction of an 'abnormal' Japan
Examining the role of environmental policy in European identity formation
How was fear used by the Bush administration to justify the global war on terror in the aftermath of 9/11 until the announcement of the Iraq war?
Children's Rights in Transnational Perspective
Human Rights Promotion through the European Neighbourhood Policy: The Case of Morocco
Sex, Drugs and Salvation in Uganda
The European Far-Right and the Economy
Russian National Identity Construction: A Case Study Of Four Films
China's engagement in Southeast Asia through the ASEAN-China Free Trade Area (ACFTA)
Yakuza and the Extreme Right Wing: The Political Course of Modern Japan
Legitimizing Power: coping with fragmentation and crises in post-reform China
The CIA under George W. Bush: reassessing counterterrorism after 9/11.
Multiculturalism and the claim of collective rights: The Honduran Garifuna and indigenous identity construction
American Exceptionalism and the 1954 Coup in Guatemala Rethinking the Cold War in Latin America
