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(15,097 - 15,120 of 15,824)


De Augmentatieven en Diminutieven in het Swahili
Beleefdheid in Reclames
Framing The Dance
From You to Y'all: Changes in the Use of the Second-Person Pronoun in Tweets
Commemorating the 40th anniversary of the coup d'état, 1973-2013. Memories and influence of the Allende government in contemporary Chile.
A Comparative Reflection on the Jüdisches Aufbauwerk in the Works of Hugo Herrmann and Alfred Wiener
Studying Post-Revolutionary Democratic Transitions in the Middle East. A Case Study on Egypt’s Experiment with Democracy
Euroscepticism: A Contested Concept Under Debate. A Multidimensional Study of “Eurosceptic” Centre-Right to Right-Wing Political Parties in the UK, the Netherlands and the Czech Republic.
The EU-Korea FTA, three years on: Did protection measures work in Automotive sector?
The “Solidarity” within the Common European Asylum System. No solidarity; no fair-sharing; no succesful asylum policy
Obstacles and the Way Forward in EU-China Economic Relations
An Unlikely Solution to the EU's Participatory Deficit
A Qualified Right? UK Restrictions on the EU Fundamental Right of Free Movement.
Het diminutiefsuffix -sīn
De shu‘ūbiyya beweging en de verdediging van al-Jāḥiẓ
The Future And Pursuit Of Self Determination For Aboriginal Australians
A matter of purpose. Applying Nord's version of Skopos theory to two Indonesian Bible translations
Hailing Katniss Everdeen: The Ideological Creation and Disintegration of Identity in The Hunger Games
Integration Process: Latin American Immigrants in the Netherlands.
Echnaton als NRM
The Many Faces of the Housewife: The Female Gothic in Shirley Jackson's Fiction
Looking for Happiness. Turning to Small Communities in Precarious Japan.
Questioning China’s Assertiveness in the South China Sea
A Fine Line Between Charity and Neo-colonialism: “Celebrity Aid” Culture and Its Echo in Normative Discourse on Aid Policy for Sub-Saharan Africa
