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  • (-) = Smith, Karen

Search results

(1 - 24 of 40)


No Planet Big Enough for the Both of Us
Sports mega-events in South Africa
Problematizing the Passport: A Postcolonial Approach to Understanding the Role of the Passport
Understanding the causes of the underdevelopment in the Nigerian part of the Lake Chad Basin
Exploring Asymmetric Power Relations in a Transboundary River Basin - An Application of the Hydro-Hegemony Framework to the Congo River Basin
The Desertec Project - Evidence of 21st Century European Colonialism or an Example of African Agency?
Banning the Bag: The Effectiveness of the Plastic Bag Ban in Kenya
Fiddling while Juba burns: Why did the implementation of the Responsibility to Protect doctrine in South Sudan from 2005 to 2018 fail?
Between the emancipatory imagination and the constraints of reality: Examining the potential of post-development theory for realising an alternative conceptualisation of “development” through the case study of Ecuadorian’s 'Buen Vivir'
The United Kingdom´s Pursuit of LGBT Rights in Uganda, in whose interest?
Gender Quotas and Female Empowerment in African States
The Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union and Economic Development in West Africa in the light of Coxian Critical Theory
Victimhood and State Identity: An Assessment of the Emotional Representation of Israel’s state Identity in the International Arena.
The International Recognition of States. A study of a legal and political concept through the comparison of South Sudan and Somaliland
Mozambican Agency vis-à-vis China in the Mining Sector
Unconventional Tactics: Rwanda's strategic use of a victim discourse for generating development aid
Hydro-Hegemony In The Nile Basin: Egypt's Strategies To (Re-)Assert Its Position
MIGRATION STORIES - MISSING VOICES IN MAINSTREAM IR: a feminist analysis of the experiences of undocumented Latina factory workers
Homonationalism and International Relations: A study of Homonationalism in Dutch Foreign Policy
Music the Healer: Sound and Resonance as Transformative Knowledge Within IR
What role did negative media narratives play in the impact Russia's hosting of the 2018 FIFA World Cup had on the country's soft power?
East African Celebrity Politics, an exploration
Chemical Weapons and the Red Lines of Civilised Warfare
Russia and the Responsibility to Protect norm: friend of foe?
