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(25 - 48 of 1,935)


Emerging art scenes and cultural politics in Burkina Faso
Compliance with EU Directives: Transposition and Legal Fit in the Netherlands
Hermanus Noordkerk (1702-1771). Een onderzoek naar de beroemdste Amsterdamse advocaat uit de achttiende-eeuw
Marokkaanse vrouwen in constante beweging. Een historisch onderzoek naar de organisatievorming en ontwikkeling van de MVVN en de veranderde positie van Marokkaanse vrouwen in Nederland
The role of ‘othering’ in the Turkey EU accession negotiations - A critical discourse analysis
Joodse identiteitsontwikkeling in Stalins Sovjet-Unie. 1943-1953
Maastricht: beoogde wieg van een Europese superstaat?
Chemical Weapons and the Red Lines of Civilised Warfare
Cliëntelisme in de Argentijnse voetbalwereld: De symbiotische relatie tussen politici, clubbestuurders en supporters
Cameroonian Protests: Musicians and the State
De culturele boycot van Zuid-Afrika door de ogen van Nederlandse en Zuid-Afrikaanse schrijvers: een debat geplaagd door het verleden
The strategies of China's storytelling in the New Era: How has the Chinese propaganda department propagated stories in and outside of China through its new-type mainstream media since the 18th Party Congress in 2012?
"De-labeling" of Overseas Chinese from the Perspective of the Fusion of Hu and Han Nationalities in Chinese History
Audiovisual Machine Translation: : Linguistic Errors in the machine-translated captions of CrashCourse Literature
The Dutch Spainfighters: The role of national sentiments in a transnational environment
Imperial warfare and commercial interests. The Aceh War in a new context
The antiquarian and his palazzo, A case study of the interior of the Palazzo Davanzati in Florence
Yeah right!? Is this a default ironic construction? An analysis of English ironic constructions on Twitter
The Deacons for Defense and Justice: Revolutionary Force or Defensive Necessity?
In the Guise of Irony: A closer look at the function and effect of irony embedded in the cinema of Aki Kaurismäki
Transnational Transference of Textual Knowledge in Early Sixteenth Century Vernacular Print Culture
The decrease of public political discontent in Brazil through ‘glocal’ governance
The Influence of the Invasion of the United States in Iraq in 2003 on the Emergence of the Islamic State
Crimean Tatar identity in the context fo the Russian annexation of 2014
