Leiden University Student Repository

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  • (-) = Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences
  • (-) ≠ fr
  • (-) ≠ Politicologie (BSc
  • (-) = Veerbeek, J.

Search results

(73 - 92 of 92)


Dynamic testing: The impact of cognitive ability
Teachers’ judgement of pupils’ actual learning potential
Improving educational performance of children with learning difficulties through dynamic testing
Dynamic training: Predictive validity of mathematical competence & effectiveness on inductive reasoning and working memory
Dynamic assessment with electronic tangibles: Influence of verbal and behavioral strategy use and gender on performance in school-aged children
The effect of dynamic training in children’s performance, strategies use and gender investigation in a series completion puppet task
Inductive reasoning, strategy use and teacher rating: Exploring problem-solving and learning by comparing different testing conditions
The effectiveness of dynamic testing and its application to the school setting: The role of language ability and mathematics ability in dynamic testing
Dynamic testing with the graduated prompts training on the complex figure design task to assess performance, strategy use and transfer
The benefits of dynamic testing over static testing and teachers’ estimations in primary education
Take another look: The relationship between impulsivity, cognitive flexibility and learning potential
The predictability of learning potential by a static test: An experimental study on the predictability of the learning potential of seven and eight year old children by CITO scores
Dynamic testing: Understanding the relations between learning potential, transfer and changes in strategy-use in order to reach children's full potential through individualized education
Role of hints in graduated prompts training: A study using computer assisted dynamic testing
Dynamic testing; The influence of school performance on teacher's impression of learning potential of their students
The relation between strategy use and learning potential and the differences in gender on this relation
Learning potential and strategy use: Testing the indications of strategy use for the level of learning potential
Learning potential, strategy use, and intelligence in dynamic testing: The difference in learning potential and strategy use between children with high and low CITO scores
The effects of training on strategy use in dynamic assessment
Performance, strategy use and learning potential in dynamic testing: Are there differences between boys and girls?
