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  • (-) = Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences
  • (-) ≠ Dillen, L.F. van
  • (-) ≠ Jans, L.A.W.
  • (-) = 2019

Search results

(25 - 48 of 1,712)


Patients’ recall in advanced cancer consultations with a good versus bad outcome: Could oncologists’ empathy play a beneficial role?
The Netherlands fishing behind the net? An analysis of the ban on electric pulse fishing
The South China Sea dispute: ASEAN’s Inability to protect regional security from Chinese power
Samenwerking en vertrouwen: Een kwestie van winst en verlies?
The relationship between maternal feeding styles and weight-to-length ratio in two year old children
Neuropsychiatric symptoms in genetic presymptomatic frontotemporal dementia
Beslissen in problematische opvoedsituaties: Welke rol spelen casusfactoren en de mening van professionals over uithuisplaatsingen?
Types of childhood trauma as predictors for substance use problems: A study on patients incarcerated in a Penitentiary Psychiatric Center
Kleuterpraat met prentenboeken: De invloed van het toevoegen van het Viertaktmodel aan het voorlezen van digitale prentenboeken op woordenschat van kleuters met toevoeging van een tabletdifferentiatie
Epistemological Pluralism: Contrasting Ecological Systems of Knowledge
Longitudinal development of hippocampal volume and moderate alcohol consumption in adolescence
Explaining the differences in the direct socio-economic integration of Afghan and Syrian refugees in the Netherlands
China’s push towards internet regulation
The state of trust: Governmental capacity, political trust and (non-)violent conflict in sub-Saharan Africa
Depression or diabetes: What’s worse? Comparing the burdensomeness of and willingness to pay for depression and diabetes
Targeting emotion induced blindness: Effects of non-invasive transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation (tVNS)
Moralizing cultural dimensions: Motivated moral superiority in the intergroup context
Aggress the aggressor! Victimization, age and gender as predictors of aggression following social judgements
Facilitative interpersonal skills: A pilot study with Clinical Psychology master students
Emotieherkenning en intelligentieniveau bij kinderen tussen de zes en twaalf jaar met een verhoogd risico op crimineel gedrag
“Hol dir dein land zurück!” Voter communication by right-wing populist parties in an era of social media
Intra-party leadership elections: What are its effects on party unity?
Executief functioneren bij kinderen en adolescenten met een Autisme Spectrum Stoornis of een extra X-chromosoom: Werkgeheugen en inhibitie
Emotion regulation and externalizing symptoms in children with a Developmental Language Disorder and typically developing children
