Leiden University Student Repository

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  • (-) = Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences
  • (-) ≠ Haringsma, R.
  • (-) = Meffert, M.F.

Search results

(25 - 48 of 72)


Verkiezingsnieuws in Nederland, informatief of puur ter vermaak?
Russia, the Bomb, and IR theory. Explaining Russian nuclear weapons policy in the post-Cold War era.
The Separatist Perspective: Explaining Regional Autonomy in Indonesia.
License to mock: The influence of cartoons on the evaluation of well-known politicians
Anti-immigrant and anti-Islam mobilization online: Comparing the networks of- and frames on British and German anti-immigrant and anti-Islam Facebook pages.
The Humanitarian Pretext
The influence of internationally oriented education on the attitude towards globalization
Do the Dutch "rally 'round their flag"?: The effect of military and non-military crises on the Dutch public opinion
Media frames reflecting public discourses in the coverage of tragic events: a content analysis of the conflicting frames of the MH17 incident in Russian and Western media
Favoring sides, selectively calling it torture: Exploring the framing relation between news media and political stakeholders: An analysis of the discourse used in articles of the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal on the SSCI 'torture report'
The effects of an on-site political education program on the political knowledge and engagement of young people
De perceptie van politici aan de hand van kleedgedrag en stereotypen
Social network sites in Dutch society: The effect of Facebook use on political knowledge and engagement
Political trust in times of globalization: A multi-level study into the relation between globalization and political trust
Agree or not agree: An analysis on the accuracy of issue priorities and party positions in voting advice applications
The radical right vote and the role of fear
Postmaterialisme en Materialisme in second-order verkiezingscampagnes
Kiezers en politici en hun verschillende belangen: Een onderzoek naar de lage opkomst bij de Europese parlementsverkiezingen.
Populistisch Radicaal Rechts en Poetin: een hechte band
De PVV in een eurosceptische fractie - De koers van de PVV; Europese Parlementsverkiezingen 2009 en 2014 vergeleken
Voting Power and Ideology in the European Parliament
The Curious Case of Twitter and Its Use in Public Diplomacy in The Netherlands
Mapping Distrust and De-alignment: Evidence from Thirty-Five Democracies
Privacy, Politics and the Fourth Estate
