Leiden University Student Repository

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  • (-) = Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences
  • (-) ≠ Kwaadsteniet, E.W. de
  • (-) = 2020
  • (-) ≠ Doef, M. van der

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(97 - 120 of 1,959)


De relatie tussen partnergeweld en traumasymptomen bij basisschoolkinderen en de mediërende rol van de emotionele onveiligheid van het kind
Self-Management Behaviour and the Well-Being of Dialysis Patients
Living in a depopulated village: sustainable livelihoods and the promise of future
Begrip van sociale informatie en non-verbale emotieherkenning in relatie tot externaliserend probleemgedrag bij basisschoolkinderen
Het verband tussen taalvaardigheden, IQ en kenmerken van autismespectrumstoornissen bij kinderen met een geslachtschromosomale trisomie
A Multiple Perspectives Approach to Decision-Making in Foster Care: Decision-making for Family Reunification in The Netherlands
Cortical thickness in relation to cognitive performance within monozygotic twin pairs aged 60 to 100 years
The Effect of Intranasal Insulin on Hunger in Diabetes Type-2 Patients and Healthy Controls
The Effectiveness of VIPP-Twins Intervention on Increasing Delay of Gratification in Children
Anxiety Problems in Older Adults: Early-onset vs. Late-onset
An Examination of Sanctioning in the Attacker Defender Game Using the Principal Agent System
The effect of parental verbal information on children’s fear beliefs and attention towards strangers and the moderating role of behavioral inhibition.
A multiverse analyses involving a comparison between the Frequentist and Bayesian framework: A case study
Inducing nocebo hyperalgesia using an open-label design
The influence of musical coping behaviour when listening to self-selected preferred and non-preferred music on the human stress response
Het effect van een groente-interventie op de groente-inname en het BMI SDS bij kinderen van 18 maanden oud
Is affective empathy related to aggressive behavior in children and adolescents?
Perceived Framing, Values and Their Inter-play in Relation to Support for Disconnecting From the Gas Grid
Psychological Distress as a Predictor of Reduced Quality of Life 12 Months Post-Trauma: A Prospective Study on Injury Patients Admitted to the Emergency Room
Suicidal Musicians and Their Time Orientation in Lyrics and Social Media
Het verband tussen gehechtheid en morele voorkeur bij baby’s van 12 maanden oud en het effect van negatieve affectie en geslacht
The relationship between autism traits and task-switching: focusing on proficiency and affective evaluation
Preventing Burnout in University Students
The effect of dopaminergic medication on conflict adaptation in patients with Parkinson’s disease
