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  • (-) = Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences
  • (-) ≠ Laarhoven, A.I.M. van
  • (-) ≠ Spirova, M.S.
  • (-) = Bullens, L.

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(49 - 72 of 77)


Niet tevreden maar wel geld terug: de (on)omkeerbaarheid van beslissingen
The effect of a recession on hedonic attitudes towards luxury and budget products
Anticipatory pleasure and desire: More or less the same or clearly distinct emotions? An appraisal study
Anticipatory pleasure: The appraisal pattern, related mood dimensions, and its connection with anticipatory enthusiasm
Hedonistische attitudes tegenover luxeproducten tijdens een economische recessie
The experience of anticipatory pleasure: Appraisal pattern and the effect of internal visualization
(Ir)reversible decision-making: A motivational account of consumer preferences for stability and change
Reversible decision-making and its pitfalls: from perceived responsibility to regret
Don't put all your eggs in one basket? Discussing the possible mediating role of responsibility in the effect of reversible decision making on regret and satisfaction
De invloed van een economische recessie op consumentenattitudes tegenover luxeproducten
Choice overload: does responsibility lead to a decrease in choice satisfaction?
Crisis? Doe mij maar een Rolex!: De invloed van recessie op attituden tegenover luxeproducten
Feeling good before feeling bad; or feeling bad before feeling good? The experience of cognitive dissonance after (ir)reversible decision-making
Choice overload, uncertainty and stress: How consumer decision-making style comes into play
Mating goals in a recession: Influences on consumer attitudes: How recession, relationship status and gender influence consumer attitudes towards luxury products
The anatomy of anticipatory pleasure: What defines this emotion and how does it distinguish itself from desire?
In search of the underlying process of choice overload: Responsibility as a possible mediator of choice overload and choice satisfaction
Economische recessie en consumentenattitudes tegenover luxeproducten: Zijn hedonistische attitudes hoger tegenover opzichte luxeproducten tijdens een economische recessie dan wanneer er geen recessie is?
Decision reversibility and preference for the status quo: The quest for their motivational link
The effect of decision reversibility on regret: How responsibility mediates this relationship
Decision reversibility: The experience of self-blame and its relation to responsibility
The irony of decision reversibility: Why reversible decisions lead to higher regret and more self-blame
“I am not sure if this decision will make me more happy”: The role of uncertainty in choice proliferating situations
Het effect van economische recessies op consumentenattitudes tegenover luxeproducten: Waarom de luxemarkt het zelfs tijdens economisch slechtere tijden goed blijft doen
