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  • (-) ≠ Developmental Psychopathology in Education and Child Studies (research) (MSc
  • (-) = Kinacioglu, M.

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(1 - 24 of 80)


Victims of environmental change: A necessary inclusion of climate refugees into international law
The Paradox of Proportionality in International Law: The Neglected Necessity of Proportionality in the realm of Self-Defence
Assessing the Impact of the International Criminal Court on National Judicial Systems: Operationalising the Responsibility to Protect
Charting Corporate Compass: The Influence of the UNESCO Recommendation on Ethics of AI
An Emerging Human Rights Regime: the Optional Protocol to the United Nations Convention against Torture and Torture Prevention in Southeast Asia
Guarding Cyber Space: Analyzing EU Cyber Threat Perception and Defense
Security Over Solidarity
Palestinian quest for self-determination
The Effectiveness of the UN Robust Peacekeeping Operations: A Comparative Case Study of the DRC and Liberia
Friend or Foe: A Discourse Analysis on Responses to Political Justifications for Violating Non-Combatant Immunity in Unites States Counterterrorism Operations from 2001-2018
Explaining the Implications of Regulatory Gaps in Cyberwarfare: A Comparative Analysis of Russia and the United States
From Silence to Jurisprudence: The Role of the ICC in Rendering Sexual Violence in War as a Crime Against Humanity
The Gaza Betrayal? Understanding Muslim Rulers' Passivity in the Gaza Crisis.
Blue Helmets and Beyond: The Impact of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations on Democratization
Human Rights for Asylum Seekers Post Brexit: Norm Evasion or the New Norm?
Exploring the Protection of Civilians by Peacekeeping Troops: A Case Study of MONUSCO
Sacrificing identities: Exploring the space in international human rights frameworks for collective rights
Policies in self-defense: A danger to refugee’s human rights?
The role of the erosion of the International Criminal Court's credibility in African perceptions in the deterioration of African support for the Court.
The Global South and the Normative Standing of Humanitarian Interventions and R2P
To what extent have international norms and legislation promoted policy change for the protection of human trafficking victims in Romania?
Rape without punishment? Ending impunity for peacekeepers that commit sexual exploitation and abuse.
What’s in a mandate? Mandate phrasing and the protection of civilians in peacekeeping missions
