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Search results

(20,545 - 20,568 of 21,482)


Is the economy better off than before?
De eliminatie van vrouwenbesnijdenis in Afrika
Securitizing Climate Change - Why the Way Climate Change is Framed Matters
Rusland en haar mensenrechten
‘You work with us or you won’t work’ Beperkingen van autonome humanitaire NGO’s in de Irak-oorlog
Categorical Divides and the Berber Identity Movement: A Discursive Approach to Identity Formation in Algeria and France
Mediating Trans-Boundary Water Conflicts: Issues and Approaches to Long-Term Resources Management and Conflict Resolution
The GATT/ WTO Dispute Settlement: Performance of Developing and Developed States in Initiated Disputes, 1948 – 2011
Rechtvaardigheid en verantwoordelijkheid: Over de legitimiteit van de staat in een globaliserende wereld
Too much love will kill you
Political Tolerance and Direct Democracy
'Truth is the first casualty' How does embedded journalism influence the news coverage of TFU in the period 2006-2010?
Resource Scarcity, Governance and Violence. Uncovering the Mechanisms
Minderheidskabinet onder de loep
The Dilemma Behind Somali Piracy: How Territorial Integrity Hinders Effective State Response.
Serving in uniform during Spring: a case study of the role of the Egyptian military in the transition
De Eerste en de Tweede Kamer - kwaliteitsverschillen in debat
The impact of television news exposure and
Valuing the Dutch. A study into the Dutch value priority between 2002 and 2010 and its relation to attitudes on immigration using the European Social Survey
Postmaterialisme in de Nederlandse Politiek
Rawls: over Familie, Gender en Rechtvaardigheid
The effect of news coverage on political tolerance in The Netherlands; A content analysis of news articles compared with indicators of political tolerance
Clash of the Projects? New Perspectives for Observing Water Scarcity in the Nile Basin
Ballistic Missile Defense Resource Extraction in the Netherlands
