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  • (-) = Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences
  • (-) ≠ Molenmaker, W.E.
  • (-) ≠ Tollenaar, M.S.
  • (-) = Political Science and Public Administration (research) (MSc

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(1 - 24 of 73)


Closing the Gap: A Frame Analysis of EU Gender Equality Policies
Lighten the burden: Manageable job resources to help street-level bureaucrats deal better with administrative tasks.
Deepening versus widening in the European integration process? An attempt to reconcile the debate based on the example of European defense cooperation
The South China Sea dispute: ASEAN’s Inability to protect regional security from Chinese power
Expecting the unexpected? The formation of coalition expectations in an uncertain environment
The national formation-theory:How recognition of domestic jurisdictions can improve the International Criminal Court's legitimicy
Going for government or opting for opposition? Examining the conditions under which Dutch independent local parties join the municipal coalition
Excluding the populists: The unintended effect of a cordon sanitaire on political trust
Women waging war? Examining the normative explanations of the gender peace thesis
The dark money of insurgency: Exploring criminal funding strategies of rebel groups and the role of relative & state power
Social investment by women? Contesting policy paradigms on the gender dimension of the Dutch welfare state
Genuine loss? An analysis of ius nexi and residency-based citizenship allocation in the context of denationalization
Becoming a politician: The political ambition of party members
Mapping Europe’s party families in east and west: Familiar and regional patterns
When does civil resistance work? Exploring the relationship between organization-level factors and the outcomes of civil resistance campaigns
The politics of human rights mainstreaming: The role of human rights in the economic diplomacy of the Netherlands
Social justice theories as the basis for public policy on psychopharmacological cognitive enhancement.
Friend or foe?: The immigration challenge to regionalist party competition in Western Europe.
Copy paste or tailor-made?: The customization of EU directive across Dutch policy sectors
The influence of financial unity on federal agency rulemaking: The case of customer due diligence requirements for financial institutions.
Explaining modes of executive-legislative relations: Empirical evidence from Dutch local councils
Explaining the impact of the Olympic Games on its host environment: Olympism at work in the housing sector?
Exploring Bobbio's idea of an egalitarian left-right dimension: Distinguishing between a holistic and a situation-specific approach
Triumph in twinning?: The role of EU experts in the realization of externally supported public sector reform
