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  • (-) = Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences
  • (-) ≠ Pellikaan, H.
  • (-) ≠ Middendorp, H. van
  • (-) = 2020

Search results

(73 - 96 of 1,939)


What is the relation between executive functioning and self-regulated learning?
Lighten the burden: Manageable job resources to help street-level bureaucrats deal better with administrative tasks.
The effect of online education versus nurse counselling preceding colonoscopy, including education, age and digital health literacy as moderators
Debts and Disinclination: The Influence of Acknowledgement on Debtors’ Willingness to Contact the Creditor
Anxiety but not Depression Predicts Impulse Control Disorders in Parkinson’s Disease
Pregnancy does not Lead to Greater Reading the Mind in the Eyes Task
Differentiation of Cognitive Performance Statuses in Multiple Sclerosis using Principal Component Analyses
The Role of Avoidance and Anhedonia in the Development of Depression in Socially Anxious Adolescents
Think Before You Drink! The Effects of Caffeine on Cognitive Task Performance Under Acute Performance Stress
The Effect of Self-efficacy on Conditioned Pain Modulation
Effects of Self-Efficacy Manipulation on Pain Tolerance in Healthy Participants
Is an Intensive Residential Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Treatment Programme Effective for Patients with a History of Childhood Sexual Abuse?
Coping of deaf/hard of hearing children with social inaccessibility in mainstream schools
Measuring a Patient’s General Psychological Functioning: Creating the Dutch version of the Outcome Questionnaire l0
Bright Light Therapy in Rheumatoid Arthritis and its effect on Depression
Is een ‘eigen’ kind anders? De reactie op huilgeluiden en de invloed van eigen opvoedingservaringen
Can Music Induce Awe and Is Awe Related to Brand Attachment?
Uptake in Guided and Unguided eHealth Interventions: What is the Role of Self-Efficacy and Social Support?
Online green advertisements
The Human Tendency to Approach Food and its Relation to BMI
Do Humans Obey Snellius’ law? An experiment on peoples trajectory planning when travelling across areas with low and high resistance to movement
Quantifying Neural Engagement during Video Viewing: Attention, Emotion, and Memory Encoding
Delinquent gedrag: beter voorkomen dan genezen
De relatie tussen partnergeweld en traumasymptomen bij basisschoolkinderen en de mediërende rol van de emotionele onveiligheid van het kind
