Leiden University Student Repository

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  • (-) = Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences
  • (-) ≠ Vaart, R. van der
  • (-) ≠ Molendijk, M.
  • (-) = Schomaker, J.

Search results

(25 - 48 of 71)


Managing Fear Under Stress
Replacing fear with something new: using novelty to unlearn fear
Sex and age differences in the effects of novelty on memory performance
The relationship between novelty, memory performance and age
Ex ploring n ovel environments to enhance memory: The role of novelty seeking
Novelty processing in younger and older adults measured using an adapted visual novelty oddball task
The relation between age and motor adaptation learning
The Effect of Novelty Exposure on Sensorimotor Adaptation Learning as a Function of Age in Healthy Subjects.
The effect of novelty seeking on exploration behaviour in a food choice task
Burn-out in individuals with cysteine altering NOTCH3-mutations: prevalence and association with disease onset
The influence of mood on exploration behavior
Exploratiegedrag Tijdens Een Pandemie: De invloed van isolatie door COVID-19 op exploratiegedrag
Women’s Hormonal State, Age and Mood Influence the Exploration-Exploitation Trade-off
The Association Between Depressive and Manic Symptoms with Cognitive Functioning over Time in Offspring of Parents with Schizophrenia or Bipolar Disorder
The Effect of Novelty and the Novelty-Seeking Personality Trait on Delayed Memory
The effects of exploring novel environments on learning and memory
Investigating the value of novelty in relation to boredom and recognition memory
The effects of the novelty seeking personality trait on the relationship between state of boredom and the subjective value of novelty
Exploring the unexpected: The long-term effect of novelty on memory and the relation with expectations
Cues, healthiness of food items and self-esteem: do they determine our food choices?
Hunger and the effect of cues on healthy and unhealthy food choices
Influence of Healthy Eating Motivation on Attention in terms of Response Time and Food Choice: To make a healthy choice: Is it your own decision?
Attention VS Emotion in the battle for healthy decisions: The influence of attentional cues and emotions on choice behavior
Pointing towards health: The effect of attentional cues on food choice
