Leiden University Student Repository

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  • (-) = Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences
  • (-) ≠ Vaart, R. van der
  • (-) ≠ Molendijk, M.
  • (-) = Schomaker, J.

Search results

(1 - 24 of 71)


The Relationship between Challenging Behavior in Individuals with Advanced Dementia in Care Facilities and Emotional Burden on Professional Caregivers
The Effects of Novel Environment Exploration on Subsequent Word Memory Performance and Theta Activity During Encoding
The role of body image on attentional orienting towards body-related images in individuals with anorexia nervosa
Het Effect Van Spatiële Nieuwigheid En Onverwachtheid Van een Virtuele Omgeving Op Woordgeheugen En Afgelegde Afstand.
Exploratie van Nieuwigheid: Motiveren Door Eigen Ontdekking
De invloed van verwachting op het herkennen en herinneren van woorden na het verkennen van een nieuwe virtuele omgeving bij 45-plussers
Forgetting fear: Using different novel sensory modalities to promote fear extinction and prevent fear reinstatement
The influence of individuals’ locus of control on the effects of novelty on fear extinction
Sex and age differences in the effects of novelty on memory performance
IQ, socioeconomic status, and childhood trauma in offspring of parents with a mood disorder
The effect of impulsivity on reaction time and performance accuracy in a multisensory perceptual decision-making task
Fear diffusing: is the effectiveness of novelty in reversing the fear response equal across genders?
Am I paralyzed by stress? The impact of stress and attention on exploration behaviour as measured by roaming entropy
The effect of neuroticism and stress on exploratory behavior in virtual environments
Happy In a Stressful Situation: Does Happiness Influence Stress When Exploring a New Environment?
The effect of stress on landmark memory in a virtual environment
De Invloed van Stress op de Afgelegde Afstand van Mannen en Vrouwen gedurende Exploratie
The Influence of Stress and Personality Type - Extroversion and Introversion - on Exploration Behavior
The Effect of Environmental Novelty on Verbal and Landmark Memory in Human Development
Verkenning van nieuw terrein: De invloed van stress en slaapduur op exploratiegedrag in een virtuele omgeving
Does Novelty Promote Fear Extinction
Individual Differences in Intolerance of Uncertainty and Their Effects on Novelty-Facilitated Fear Extinction
Exploring novel environments to enhance memory: The role of novelty seeking
This is odd: Investigating event related potentials using the oddball paradigm
