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  • (-) = Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences
  • (-) ≠ Vedder, P.H.
  • (-) ≠ Dijk, W. van
  • (-) = Scheepers, D.T.

Search results

(1 - 24 of 113)


Does threat make you want to help?
Social Reactions to Women’s Sexual Assault Disclosure: The Influence of Gender Identification, Threat, and Observer Gender
Are Women More Responsible Leaders Than Men?
The Influence of Physical Levels on the Development of Social Dominance Orientation
Can Do vs. Have to?
Power as a Responsibility or as an Opportunity:
Male and Female Powerholders
Counter-stereotyping in advertising
Counter-stereotyping in advertising: Does it work?
Counterstereotyping in advertising: Pleasurable distraction
“I am Dutch. Therefore, I (do not) have to volunteer often”: A study on the influence of group-based moral superiority on behavior
When is power attractive? A meta-analysis on the relationship between power construal and positive affect
The desire to protect your values: Group-based moral superiority as self-enhancement and self-esteem’s influence on group-based moral superiority
Counter-stereotyping in advertising: ‘Counter-stereotyping as an effective tool to combat traditional gender roles’
Physiological threat responses of immigration: Exploring the distinction between economic and identity threat
Individual differences in social value orientation on aggressive vs non-aggressive investments of resources in asymmetric conflict
Political fake news: Level of identification and ambiguity on political driven belief
The effects of group-based moral superiority and inferiority on prejudice
Support for aggression in moral superiority: Increased support for aggression in people feeling morally superior compared to superior in terms of competence
Moral superiority: Stairway to heaven or highway to hell? The influence of moral superiority on aggressive behaviour
Economic and identity threat of migration: What do we fear more, our jobs or our identity?
Perceived moral superiority in groups, and its effects on prosocial behavior expression
The effect of counter-stereotypical advertisements on consumer memory
Intensity of cardiovascular threat responses after identity versus resource intergroup threat appeals
