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  • (-) = Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences
  • (-) ≠ Education and Child Studies (MSc
  • (-) = 2018
  • (-) ≠ Peper, J.S.

Search results

(73 - 96 of 1,585)


Psychopathic traits in healthy female volunteers: Investigating learning from mistakes and the relationship with borderline traits
A short 15-minute Pranayama exercise: The effect on attentional bias to threatening cues in emotional dot-probe task
De fysieke gevolgen van verbale suggesties
The effect of transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation and stress on cognitive flexibility
Does poverty lead to poor decisions? An application of the theory of scarcity on the relationship between debt, cognitive performance, and self-efficacy
Measuring cognitive functions in migrants: Reliability and validity of different versions of the MMSE
Relatie tussen leesbegrip, technisch lezen en werkgeheugen
Controlling your decisions: The impact of need for personal control on the preference for reversible decision-making
Het mediatie-effect van slachtofferschap van pesten op de relatie tussen sociaaleconomische status en schoolbetrokkenheid
Exhaustion and work engagement of nurses: Effects on organisational outcomes in emergency departments
De invloed van het werkgeheugen op het tekstbegrip bij praktisch en theoretisch geschoolde lezers
Relatie tussen chaos in de thuissituatie en sociaal leren bij adolescenten in Nederland
The influence of social norms on customer revenge: Do social norms influence the intention of consumers to act on revenge desire?
Physical Activity and Cognitive Improvement on the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE): A meta-analysis
Do people want to feel general hope or fear if they believe it justifies their ideologies?
Influences of fear of evaluation on the expectancy bias in high versus low socially anxious individuals
The relation between parental sensitivity and sensitive discipline on social aggression in children: An experimental study
"Neurotisch? Optimistisch? Het zal me jeuken:" Een onderzoek naar de effecten van neuroticisme en optimisme op de gevoeligheid voor placebo/nocebo bij jeuk
An online self-help program for people living with HIV and depressive symptoms: Effects on physical symptoms and the relation between various HIV medications and depression
The Czech Pirate Party: Is intra-party democracy decreasing following the party’s recent electoral success?
The role of experiential avoidance on the onset of borderline traits among adult survivors of childhood abuse
Het Verband tussen Sensitiviteit en betrokkenheid van opvoeders en prosociaal gedrag van kinderen
Exploring the relationship between compromised bodily states and generalized unsafety
The relationship between pain perception and personality, state anxiety and mood
