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  • (-) = Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences
  • (-) ≠ 2007
  • (-) ≠ 2016
  • (-) = 2020

Search results

(49 - 72 of 1,974)


Managing illness to improve patients’ quality of life
Effects of Musical Complexity and Familiarity on Movement Urge
Disease-specific quality of life and potential contributing factors in different subgroups of objective and subjective severity of Alopecia Areata
Transcultural Awareness
Is low socioeconomic status associated with increased resting blood pressure? A meta-analysis
Indecisiveness during Adolescence: Exploring its relationship with Fear of Negative Evaluation and Self Concept Clarity
The Effects of Sleep Quality and Fatigue on Cortisol Reactivity and Negative Affect
Misdiagnosis of autoimmune encephalitis as neurodegenerative dementia syndromes: Prevalence and cognitive red flags
All-Resolutions Inference as an alternative correction for multiple comparisons in fMRI data: A comparison between methods
Improving on Adjusted R-Squared: Assessing the Performance of Multiple Population R-Squared Estimators under Multivariate Non-Normality
Het effect van tetrahydrobiopterin op het sociaal functioneren bij kinderen, adolescenten en volwassenen met phenylketonurie
Growing Pains: Sex and Pubertal Development in Fear Extinction in Adolescents
Exploring how fear of negative evaluation amplifies self-esteem fluctuations in response to social evaluation
De rol van warmte in de broer/zus-relatie in het verband tussen woede en agressie tussen adolescente broers en zussen
Factors associated with the quality of life of people with dementia in living facilities
De rol van motivatie tussen woordenschat en begrijpend lezen: Kan extrinsieke of intrinsieke leesmotivatie de relatie tussen begrijpend lezen en woordenschat versterken of verzwakken?
They won’t like me
The prevalence of anxiety symptomatology in depressed persons across age groups
Perspective Taking and Empathic Concern in Gifted early adolescents
Cognitive Reserve; A protective measure for Alzheimer’s disease?
CBM-Maze Task: Reflection of reading comprehension skills and association with reading enjoyment
The Impact of Shame on Trust: An Experimental Study
De relatie tussen alcoholgebruik en internaliserend en externaliserend probleemgedrag bij jongeren en de rol van geslacht daarbij.
Verklarende mechanismen voor de relatie tussen alcoholgebruik en internaliserende en externaliserende gedragsproblemen
