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  • (-) = Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences
  • (-) ≠ 2015
  • (-) ≠ Steinel, W.
  • (-) ≠ Ly, V.

Search results

(19,489 - 19,512 of 20,361)


'Om Sions wil zal ik niet zwijgen?' Een politiek wetenschappelijke verhandeling over Bijbelgebruik in het parlementaire debat
A Rebel's Friend? A Case Study of Conflict Diamonds and Conflict Timber
Preconceived Notions and Political Tolerance: How the Source Affects Tolerance and Opinion
Standing alone when it all comes down: the relationship between personalist regimes and negative post-tenure fates explored.
The Apple of Discord
The Good Liberal Citizen: Why Citizens can be both Free and Virtuous
The Ilusion of Power
Open But Not Naïve: Is Europe’s Public Procurement Instrument Susceptible to a Joint-Decision Trap?
Charges against self-ownership: why Nozick's self-ownership thesis is incoherent and immoral
Geen mens is een eiland: regulering van de financiële markten
Institutional Cosmopolitanism and the Duties that Human Rights Impose on Individuals
Dominant Parties in Liberal Democracies: A Contradictio in Terminis?
Op weg naar de staat van Nozick
Resistance is futile? The contribution of political knowledge, political beliefs and message intensity on changes in public opinion
Building Cooperation with BRICS
Framing and Political Tolerance. The effects of Issue Framing on Adolescents's Levels of Political Tolerance towards Wilders
Regionalistic Nationalism in the Basque Country and Galicia: A Voter and Class Based Explanation
Geen daden maar woorden
Between Cabinda and Oecussi: The role of territory in intrastate relations
Taming the Media Beast: The Effects of Media Commercialization in Personalist and Military Regimes
Strategieën van INGO’s t.a.v. staten en multinationals m.b.t. het voorkomen van mensenrechtenschendingen door multinationals
De Legitimiteit van Interventies
(In)tolerant: M/F?
Europe "A La Carte": Conditionality in the relationship between Russia and the European Union
