Leiden University Student Repository

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  • (-) = Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences
  • (-) ≠ 2023
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  • (-) ≠ Laarhoven, A.I.M. van

Search results

(19,537 - 19,560 of 19,637)


Persoonlijkheid en consumentengedrag: De invloed van weerstand tegen verandering op buitenlandse en Nederlandse studenten en hun keuze in nieuwe producten
Social anxiety and liking among adolescents: The role of physical attractiveness and emotional appearance
Is appetitive agression a protective factor against the development of posttraumatic stress in formerly abducted people in Northern Uganda?
Exploring determinants of Group flow and its effect on team performance
De invloed van het opvoedgedrag van ouders op het zelfvertrouwen van typisch ontwikkelende kinderen en kinderen met een Autismespectrumstoornis
A PRO-NORM MORAL VS. COMPETENT DEVIANT: Kofi Annan or Steve Jobs: Consequences of a Pro-norm Moral vs. Competent Deviant on the Social Identity
Orthodoxy, family values and work-family conflict: Do conservative Christian women experience more work-family conflict than non-religious women?
Gender effects on math anxiety and math performance
The Role of Feedback and Commitment on Energy Saving Behavior in an Organisational Setting
Chronic cannabis use modulates the link between dopamine and creativity
Being Emotionally Touched: The Effects of Gender and Audience
Gift certificates, the best or worst of both worlds?
The relationship between authenticity and work engagement; a combined model of the Self-Determination Theory and Job Demands-Resource model.
De relatie tussen ziektepercepties, coping en vermoeidheid bij volwassenen in de algemene populatie
Does power effect joking behavior? The influence of power and gender on telling inappropriate jokes.
Positive stereotype effects on cognitive performance when under a promotion focus
The moderating effect of work-family centrality on the relationship between work-familly conflict and job- and family satisfaction
Focus of attention during emotion processing modulates abnormal brain activity in internalizing adolescents
Section of Social and Organizational Psychology, Leiden University
De rol van catastrofale cognities en gedragsmatige coping bij langdurige vermoeidheid
All Men Are Equal, But Some More Than Others: The supremacy of morality over sociability on excluding behavior and the perceptual motivation for social exclusion
Sociale steun en depressiviteit bij langdurige vermoeidheid
Distributive (un)fairness and the disjunction effect
Long-term vs. short-term effects on positive stereotyping on cognitive capabilities under a promotion focus
