Leiden University Student Repository

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  • (-) = Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences
  • (-) ≠ 2024
  • (-) ≠ Aktar, E.
  • (-) = Middendorp, H. van

Search results

(1 - 24 of 164)


The potential role of generic and specific outcome expectations on areas of functioning in patients with Bechterew’s disease following a proof-of-concept training program based on the Wim Hof Method
Offspring of parents with a mood disorder: The potential association between parental bonding and depressive symptoms moderated by perceived social support and active coping strategies
Exploring the Dynamic Interconnectedness of Protective and Perpetuating Factors of Cancer-Related Fatigue
De mindful student
Verschil in acceptabiliteit voor placebo-toepassingen binnen specialismen van zorgverleners in de medische pediatrie
Verschil in acceptabiliteit voor placebo-toepassingen binnen specialismen van zorgverleners in de medische pediatrie
The Role of Healthcare Provider Characteristics in their Opinions on Placebo Applications in Pediatric Healthcare
The Effect of Verbal Suggestions Regarding Stress Responsivity on the Salivary Cortisol Response to Psychosocial Stress and its Relationship to the Perceived Acute Stress Response, Dispositional Optimism and Stress Mindset
What to expect when you’re expecting: The influence of the expectations surrounding childbirth on the birth experience in women with and without psychiatric problems
Personalized outcome measurement of a tailored eHealth intervention for patients with chronic kidney disease and the mediating role of self-efficacy
Het verschil in acceptatie van behandelversterkende en behandel-vervangende placebotoepassingen bij acute en chronische aandoeningen in de pediatrische zorg
Placebo knowledge and expected effectivity in symptom reduction of placebo applications in pediatric health care and their association in pediatric health care professionals and parents
Acceptatie van placebo-toepassingen in de pediatrische zorg
Do Patients with Psoriasis Have an Attentional Bias Towards Itch Stimuli And the Role of Clinical Itch and Disease Severity
Placebotoepassingen binnen de pediatrische zorg
De mogelijke rol van kennis over het placeboeffect van ouders en zorgverleners in de acceptabiliteit van behandelversterkende en behandelvervangende placebo-toepassingen in de pediatrische zorg
Attitudes van ouders ten aanzien van Comfort Talk als placebo-toepassing in de pediatrische zorg
Spreken is zilver, zwijgen is goud
Placebo-effecten zonder misleiding
Acceptatie van placebotoepassingen in de pediatrische zorg
Transparantie tijdens een behandeling met placebo-toepassingen in de pediatrische zorg
Mismatch Negativity in Refugees with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
The effect of intranasal insulin on hunger sensations in type 2 diabetes
Money as motivation to move more: Does Autonomous Motivation mediate the effect of customizable deposit contracts on increased physical activity?
