Leiden University Student Repository

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  • (-) = Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences
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  • (-) ≠ Ly, V.
  • (-) = Dijk, E. van

Search results

(1 - 24 of 98)


Increasing interest in learning new and complex information
Increasing interest in learning new and complex information
Increasing interest in learning new and complex information
Increasing interest in learning new and complex information
Increasing interest in learning new and complex information
Trust, Information Asymmetry and Unexpected Outcomes
Does maximising increase decision avoidance to regulate regret? Induced maximising and the influence on decision avoidance
Who are you to punish me?! Influence of punishment on cooperation in fault-line groups
Enforcing cooperation in diverse groups: The influence of fault-lines on the responsiveness to punishments
Mitigate climate change: Responsibility for who? Distributive preferences of climate costs between different countries, based on wealth and pollution levels
Do people respond less to punishment in fault-line groups: Two theoretical perspectives
Mitigate climate change: Responsibility for who? How to distribute the climate costs over different countries, taken wealth level and pollution level into account
The Effect of Unexpected Outcomes and Information Asymmetry on Trust in Economic Interactions
An anticommons dilemma with uncertainty and accountability
The Tragedy of the Anticommons: The Effect of Uncertainty and Accountability
The tragedy of the anti-commons: effects of uncertainty and accountability
Does aiming for the best lead to nothing? The effect of maximizing on choice overload
Maximizing and return policies: Reversibility in economic decisions decreases anticipated regret and decision avoidance for both satisficers and maximizers
The Effect of Evidence Type on Guilt Assessments: Analysing the Differences in Interpreting Video and Text Evidence and the Effect of a Warning to Reduce Bias
The Effect of Evidence Type on Guilt Assessments - Analysing the Differences in Interpreting Video and Text Evidence and the Effect of a Warning to Reduce Bias
The effect of bias warning and evidence type on the judgement of guilt
The Effect of Noise on our Decision to Trust and Reciprocate
Gaming anger and disappointment during negotiations: How (un)certainty influences the strategic use of emotions
The influence of behavioural noise on intentions and decision-making in a trust game: How noise can alter the decisions of both the trustor and trustee in an economical transaction
