Leiden University Student Repository

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  • (-) = Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences
  • (-) = Master thesis
  • (-) ≠ Ly, V.
  • (-) = Schaefer, R.S.

Search results

(1 - 24 of 48)


The Effect of Familiar Music and Arousal on Cognitive Performance in Healthy Older Adults
Metaplasticity in (Ex-)Musicians: The Relation Between Degree of Musical Training and Rate of Motoric Learning
The role of cue type and musical background on auditory-motor synchronization
The effect of lifetime musical training on the deterioration of executive functions in the elderly - A longitudinal study
Investigating the cognitive, neuropsychological, and morphological profile of frontotemporal dementia and its subtypes
How does musical cue complexity affect motor learning?
The UNIQER CHILD: Understanding the neurodevelopmental impact of quantitative environmental risk on children
Examining the effect of musical complexity on tapping precision for different levels of musical sophistication and cognitive flexibility
Influence of instruction type on cuedmotor learning
The mediating role of executive functions in the relationship between age and movement synchronization stability
Age-related alterations and dedifferentiation in action control components: Action selection, conflict adaptation, and response inhibition
Using musical feedback training to improve cognitive functioning in stroke survivors: A pilot study
Intelligence disability and executive functioning in antisocial young adults: A cross-sectional study in collaboration with the WODC and the Dutch Probation Service
A screening to personalize music therapy
The effect of predictability in musical rhythm on pleasure and urge to move
Predictors of energy expenditure and sensorimotor synchronization in a finger-tapping task
The effect of aging on spatial navigation: A characterisation of navigational ability in the elderly
The relationship between aging and navigation perspective us.
Physical Activity and Cognitive Improvement on the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE): A meta-analysis
Imagery modalities and motor learning in silent and music-cued conditions
The effect of gender and spatial anxiety on navigation ability
Does auditory imagery ability predict cue dependence in music-supported motor learning?
Auditory and spatial mental imagery task performance in older adults
The influence of navigational experience and living area on navigation ability
