Leiden University Student Repository

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  • (-) = Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences
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  • (-) ≠ Biro, S.

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(97 - 120 of 566)


Non-compliance in an Ecological Momentary Assessment Study on Students` Mental Health.
Effects of Environmental Uncertainty on Contribution Behavior in Social Dilemmas
Negative Attention Bias and Its Links to Depressive Symptoms in Children and Their Parents
Neural Correlates of Vicarious Reward Processing when Winning for Parents in Adolescent Boys and Girls
Gifted and wonderful giving: The associations between giftedness, wonder, and prosocial giving in young adolescents
Factor Analysis of the COVID-19 Impact Questionnaire and the Effect of Maladaptive Personality Traits on the Pandemic Impact in a Student Sample
Efficacy of expected treatment response feedback to therapists
Understanding Relaxation and the Female Sexual Response
Gender differences in mathematics anxiety: implicit and explicit measurements
Gender Differences in Mathematics Anxiety: Does the Method Used to Measure Mathematics Anxiety Matter?
Profiles of behaviour problems in youth at risk for developing antisocial behaviour
What to expect when you’re expecting: The influence of the expectations surrounding childbirth on the birth experience in women with and without psychiatric problems
In the Eye of the Beholder: The Relationship Between Pupil Diameter and Recognition
How do parents’ positive and negative affect relate to positive and negative social behaviour in early childhood?
Generating Feedback Reports for Ecological Momentary Assessment Data
Determinants of Food Waste Separation Intentions: An Examination of Anticipated Emotions and Small-Scale Biodigester Information in an Extended Norm Activation Model
Association between teleworking and psychological and work-related outcomes in employees: A cross-sectional study
Put Your Money Where Your Mind Is
Cross-Species Emotional Priming Effect on the Attention for Emotional Expressions
Association of The Covid-19 Pandemic with Binge Eating and Emotional Eating: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis
Reacting to and Learning from Social-Evaluative Feedback in Adolescence: EEG Theta Response to Unexpected Peer Rejection
Why and when is expert-patient support effective?
Discovering learning potential in secondary education using a dynamic screening instrument
