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  • (-) = Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences
  • (-) = Middendorp, H. van
  • (-) ≠ Veldhuijzen, J.

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(145 - 165 of 165)


The relationship between previous experience with and the expected effectiveness of pain relief medication in rheumatoid arthritis patients and their controls
The relationship between neuroticism and itch
The effect of positive expectations on itch ratings and wheal size in response to Histamine Iontophoresis
De invloed van neuroticisme en piekeren op jeuk: Een studie naar de invloed van open-label verbale suggesties op algemeen ervaren jeuk (pruritus)
Is the influence of neuroticism on pain mediated by state anxiety?
The impact of cognitive behavioral interventions on modulating the immune system: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Null findings on the relationship between extraversion and pain and itch sensitivity
Het effect van positieve en negatieve verwachtingen op zelf-gerapporteerde jeuk: Histamine iontoforese bij gezonde participanten
Persoonlijkheid en jeuk: De invloed van de persoonlijkheidsfactoren extraversie en neuroticisme op de ervaring van jeuk
The effect of positive verbal suggestions and negative affect on itch ratings and weal size
The predictive value of the donor-recipient relationship on regret of living kidney donors 12 months after surgery
High optimism, low pain experience?: The relation between optimism, pain experience, and pain expectations
De invloed van levensoriëntatie op zelf-gerapporteerde jeuk
Persoonlijkheid en jeuk: Het effect van extraversie en neuroticisme op jeukervaring
The impact of stress factors on immune system functioning: A systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective studies
The effects of mood and anxiety on itch sensitivity and skin response to the histamine-iontophoresis
The effect of verbal suggestions and expectations on pain ratings in response to the Cold Pressor Task
Het effect van open-label verbale suggesties op de zelf-gerapporteerde huidconditie
Het effect van individuele verwachtingen op zelf-gerapporteerde jeuk tijdens histamine iontoforese
The relationship between social factors and health-related quality of life, and the mediating role of depression and treatment compliance, in dialysis patients
Pruritus: de invloed van stress en neuroticisme
