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(1 - 24 of 37)


Delivering climate justice through human rights-based climate change litigation
Enjoy the silence. What can bridge the gap between the state and God in Hobbes’ Leviathan?
The Maldives drowning, Iceland melting: The effects of natural hazards on the securitization discourse on climate change
The survival of small states: A case study of the Vatican City State since 1648
Small versus Large: A Comparative Study of The Maldives and Bangladesh on successful climate change strategies
Enhancing Democratic Quality: A Case Study of the Dutch Right-Wing Populist Party ‘Forum voor Democratie’
How Within a Liberal Theory Exclusion can Be Justified
Research Question: Assuming the plausibility of a relational approach to justice that focuses on coercion as the morally relevant feature of that relation, what is the best interpretation of that relation, and what are its implications for the scope of ju
The place of autonomy in Joseph Raz’s liberal perfectionism: Exploring valuable autonomy
Small States in Patron-Client Relationships: Affectivity or Checkbook Diplomacy? Analyzing the patron-client linkages of Taiwan and its small state allies
The political obligations of long-term residents
Spinoza and ethically justified use of state secrecy
Climate change migrants as refugees
The persistence of the past: When historical injustice can be a reason for presentday agents to resort to civil disobedience
CEDAW, take it or leave it? Human rights and specific identities: A look at women's rights and their inclusion in human rights through a specialized treaty
Dual citizenship: The top-down versus the bottom-up approach
Animal rights and moral vegetarianism - The moral status of nonhuman animals through a social contract approach
When surfers should be fed: A new appreciation of 'justice as fairness', liberal neutrality and the unconditional guaranteed income
Environmental ethics: Distributive justice in the context of climate change
Liberal ideals, national identities and closed borders: Assessing the persuasiveness of the liberal national argument in favor of immigration restriction
Privacy: Nice to have or a must-have? A comparison of the liberal and communitarian answer
What is Politics?
Why the detention of asylum seekers is unjustified
Libertarianism without inequality or inconsistency: a critical examination of Peter Vallentyne and Michael Otsuka
