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(1,945 - 1,968 of 2,147)


Blending the professional and the personal: How personalization affects the public's response
Just cities? The effects of international human rights on urban government
I spy democratic norms: The democratic peace thesis and the international response to norms breach
Rhetorica: The means to success in digital diplomacy?
The stability instability paradox: A statistical research to the India Pakistan rivalry
You are the one to blame: How the attribution of responsibility influences the way the public reacts to Twitter messages about crises
Examining claims on structural adjustment and inequality in Latin America
Drones: The new moral soldiers? An analysis of the morality of the use of drones in war using the principles of the just war doctrine
Powerful integration? The effect of integration on International Parliamentary Institutions
The democratic nature of Euroregions
Incompatible foes? Political participation and development goals in developmental states: A case study on the relationship between political participation and developmental state characteristics in Botswana
Corruption: The true enemy of the central eastern European states
How universal is a universal basic income? Reflections on the role immigration plays in the political and theoretical debates on a universal basic income
Disparity by design a path to democracy: A case of Hong Kong inequality in relation to the Umbrella Movement
Beyond ciudad Juárez: The causes of femicides throughout Mexico
‘The Scandinavian Wonder’: Explaining the development of the Scandinavian welfare state and its economic impact
The Tibetan self-determination case of UNPO
Examining democratic peace theory against the clash of civilizations thesis through public opinion survey data
Party cohesion in the European Parliament: A large-N analysis on the relationship between the closeness of votes and party cohesion
Assessing the implication of reputation on accountabilitiy mechanisms: A case study on Transparancy International Nederland
Cosmopolitan democracy and the role of city networks: A comparative study on the C40 and the UNEP
The effectiveness of an arms embargo for containing armed conflict: A casestudy of the Central African Republic
Liberty and equality: diverting normative and empirical conceptions: Reflecting normative liberal expressions of liberty and equality within democratic peace theory to U.S. presidential speeches from 1976-2016
Interdependence, 'the spirit of commerce', and natural resources: Are they compatible?
