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  • (-) = Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences
  • (-) = Psychology (MSc
  • (-) ≠ 2016

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(5,041 - 5,064 of 5,253)


What is trust? Disentangling trust, reciprocity and indirect reciprocity
Consumer Revenge Behaviour: A cross-cultural study of consumer direct and indirect revenge.
Monetary Host Community Compensation in Facility Siting: The Influence of the Amount of Compensation and the Provided Rhetorical Definition of the Compensation on the Evaluation of a Siting Decision
Heart rate reactivity to psychosocial stress in children of parents with a substance use disorder: Examining a potential endophenotype of substance use disorders.
Only one eye on the matter ‘How focusing on only a part of a product during purchase, can make you less satisfied when you get home’
Volunteers and their Work Relationship with Paid Workers Active in the Volunteer Organization: Minimizing Work Strain and Conflict via Respect
Dynamic Testing with the Combi-blocks & reversal task: A comparison between weaker and higher performing children on mathematics
Gender differences in socially anxious adolescents: Cognitions and social skills
A good time to laugh is every time you think other people won’t mind: The influence of power on the evaluation of norm-violating jokes
To lie or not to lie? Comparing a dignity and an honor culture in their acceptability of lying as a conflict-reducing strategy
Gender and meaning of power: Gender differences in consequences of power framed as opportunity or responsibility, and the corresponding challenge and threat indices.
Antecedents and effects of psychological ownership of the local volunteer department: Local board member volunteers and their unwillingness to cooperate.
The validity of assessing Childhood Anxiety Disorders with the Development and Well-Being Assessment (DAWBA)
Product Evaluation of Novel and Familiar products in a state of Personal (Un)certainty.
The impact of social exclusion on schadenfreude
The impact of romantic love on the Social Simon Effect: Being together, being trusted or finding someone attractive.
Flexibility vs. Rigidity during task conflict and decision making: The role of relationship conflict
To be or not to be creative, that’s the question. The impact of creativity and real-life vs. animated images on the effectiveness of educational campaigns.
Group categorization and in-group bias: Essentialism, entitativity and the ―self-expansion‖ as processes affecting in-group bias in personality based groups
Does social support moderate the effect of (cyber)bullying on academic achievement and psychosocial wellbeing?
When bad things happen to Ken and Barbie
Parallel and conflicting interests between teams in ATLAS COPCO RENTAL IN EUROPE
Combining two resource models: How psychosocial resources predict health and work engagement mediated by coping.
You get what you give, especially in honor cultures A research on positive reciprocity in conflict situations: Spain and the Netherlands compared.
