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  • (-) = Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences
  • (-) = Psychology (MSc
  • (-) ≠ 2016

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(5,065 - 5,088 of 5,361)


The impact of directive leadership on group performance in a cross cultural setting
The Effect of Mere Exposure to a Novel Product on Coping Potential and Interest, and The Role of Trait Curiosity
The effects of oxytocin on joint action behavior and self-other integration
Investigating participant’s own choice in a “benefitting from misfortune” choice situation. An examination of the role of expected utility and accountability.
The effect of trustor insurance on trust and trustworthiness Trust and trustworthiness in an adapted traditional trust game.
Psychological consistency in marketing communications; Where Integrated Marketing Communication meets Conceptual Fluency
Is Consumer’s Satisfaction with Choice Stable over Time? How the Choice Context Can Bring Satisfaction Immediately after the Purchase, but Turn Out Disappointing after the Use of the Product
Exploring the facilitators of group flow and the relation with cardiovascular markers of challenge and threat.
When sensation seeking meets gambling: How sensation seeking influences gain-loss ratios in coin-toss gambles.
The relationships among social performance expectations, self-focused attention, and impression of friendliness in a normative adolescent sample
The influence of loud music on snacking behavior
Emotional Benefits for State-oriented Individuals: Enjoyment of Pleasant Movie Clips for Action- versus State-Orientation
If only you smile at me: The effects of a Duchenne smile and product familiarity on consumer trust
The influence of creativity and a promotional competition on the effectiveness of campaign expressions
The conceptualization of power and the impact it has on self-sacrificing behaviour
Revenge, for better or worse: Research on the desire for revenge after punishment and/or compensation
The level of trust: different sequences of decion making in a trust game
The influence of coaches on sport teams: The perceived effectiveness of coaching behaviors in Dutch interdependent sport teams
A SURPRISED CONSUMER IS A HAPPY CONSUMER…OR NOT: When Positive Surprise Does Not Guarantee Positive Product Evaluations
The effects of surprise in commercials on memory of brand/product name
A Cognitive View on Training and Evaluation of Pilots’ Core Competencies, Situation Awareness and Data Mining
When a leader wants to build a reputation: Action, inaction or both?: The influence of noise and sanctioning on the reputation of a leader
The Effects of Social Identity Threat and Ascribed Incompetence among Leaders: Disrespect and Anger, and Destructive Leadership and Withdrawal of Constructive Leadership
De invloed van nabijheid van depressie en geslacht op de bereidheid om te betalen voor behandeling van depressie
