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  • (-) = Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences
  • (-) = 2022
  • (-) ≠ Belic, J.
  • (-) = Psychology (MSc

Search results

(409 - 432 of 508)


The relation between negative childbirth experiences and mothers’ psychopathology, and the role of coping strategies
The heart-brain axis: associations between cardiac activity, insular connectivity and trait worry and anxiety
The "confidence vs. trust hypothesis" - Is Gender a potential moderator?
Changes in Psychological Intimate Partner Violence against Women during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Burnout in Higher Education Students: Examining the Effectiveness of Burnout Prevention Interventions on Burnout Symptoms and Perceived Stress Based on Study Backgrounds. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
The influence of cognitive emotion regulation on the relationship between empathy and anxiety in adolescents
The Relation Between Long-term Solar Exposure and Cognition – Testing the Circadian Hypothesis
The Effectiveness of Self-Awareness Interventions for Children: Do Social-Economic Status & Age Play a Role? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
The Effect of Extraversion and Gender on Active Listening Skills of Leaders in Organisations and the Relation of this Skill with Employee Well-being.
Learning from Complications: a pilot study on the quality of learning strategies in a hospital.
Suicidality in second-generation immigrants and native Dutch adolescents
Girls’ and boys' social interactions inside and outside of the classroom: self-reports, peer-nominations and sensor data
The Effect of Susceptibility to Sleep Deprivation on 6df Docking Performance: An Experimental Study
Decrease of depressive symptoms among students after following the online self-help program ‘Moodpep'.
Suicide prevention skills of students in mental healthcare
Development of empathy: the role of parental sensitivity
Development of PTSD symptoms after childhood trauma and the mediating role of distress tolerance
Perceived Support, Psychological Safety and Affective Organizational Commitment Among Healthcare Workers: A Pilot Study in a Dutch Hospital During COVID-19
Peer attachment and prosocial giving behaviour of highly intelligent children in regular and gifted education
Reducing cyclists' red light running behavior with an intelligent traffic management system
The Relationship Between Negative Life Events, Suicidal Thoughts, and Community Support in Icelandic and Dutch Youths
Active Coping, Self-Esteem and Resilience among offspring of parents with a mood disorder
The Influence of Work Breaks on the Choice of Recovery Activities mediated by End-of-Workday Fatigue: a diary study
The role of friends and co-workers in reducing FOMO-induced stress
