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  • (-) ≠ Danon, B.
  • (-) ≠ Claes, L.M.G.F.E

Search results

(49 - 72 of 115)


Roman Women’s Rights in Divorce and Custody
A Womb's Story - The Biography of a Terracotta Uterus Votive from Paestum
Women, elderly and children: the application of medicinal food theory. Gender and age differentiation in ancient dietetics.
Showing Our Grandeur: Elite Identity, Collective Memory, and Provincialisation in Late-Imperial Aphrodisias
Recovering Runaways - Slave Catching in the Roman World
"Zing, o Muze!": De Muzen en het concept van (goddelijke) inspiratie in de oudheid
Murder in Antiquity: Attestations of Violent Death in Epigraphy
De Romeinse verdediging van Mauritania
Challenging Migrant Cults: A multidisciplinary approach to identity and religion in imperial Ostia
Caves of the Greek Nymphs
Colonising the Ancient Night? Functions of the Night-Time in Ancient Greek Warfare.
Dionysos Hervormd
Religie voor iedereen? Waarom was antieke Griekse religie selectief? Vrouwen als casus
Monuments Made to Last; Interpretation and Reuse of Pharaonic Royal Mortuary Monuments during the Ptolemaic and Roman Periods
Functions of amulets: the power of objects in the ancient world
Two Worlds? State Space and Marginal Peoples in Late Antique North Africa
Fragments from the Past. A social-economic survey of the landholding system in the Ravenna Papyri.
Emperor knows best. Anchoring Justinian's 'Novellae' in practice, past and present
Slaven en liberti aan de rand van het Romeinse Rijk: Een analyse van de slaven en liberti in Romeins Britannia aan de hand van de epigrafische bronnen
Between Mortals and Immortals. Kleos-driven Heroization of Athletes in 5th-century BC Greece.
The Palestinian leistes: a study in socio-political relations and rural survival in early Roman Palestine (63BC – 70AD)
Roman soldiers on the spot: Integration and Issues
Instruments of divine power, divine intervention through use of weather phenomena in representations and religious practice in the Roman empire
Ama et cave canem. De Romein en zijn hond in de alledaagse omgang, mythe en godenwereld
